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Wheeling.Com is not
affiliated with the
Village of Wheeling

Please note: information presented may be outdated.


Ours is a Council-Manager form of government. Day-to-day operations are directed by a professional Village Manager. To assure continued standards of quality here, the Community Development Department, also in the hands of a degreed professional, markets the Village and its industrial parks to the kind of commercial ventures that will most benefit Wheeling.

Policy-making, however, is the province of the Village President and six-member Board of Trustees, each of whom brings his or her field of expertise to the job. Currently, these include banking and finance, education, law enforcement, business and agriculture. They meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Municipal Center, 255 West Dundee Road. Residents are welcome to attend and encouraged to take an active role in community affairs by serving on one of the many boards or commissions.

Communication is further served via Wheeling Village Views, a bimonthly newsletter directed to each business and household. In the newsletter, community events, projects, meetings, new services, updated ordinances and special projects are reported. A popular Village Views column, Speak Out, is an open invitation for citizens to express their views on municipal matters. All Speak Out correspondence receives a reply.

The Village of Wheeling enjoys good financial standing. Taxes are reasonable, kept that way through prudent fiscal management and the broad tax base afforded by the number of business establishments.

Wheeling.com winner of the Chamber of Commerce
"Business of the year" award!

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