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Village of Wheeling

The photos and captions contained in these pages are complements of the Wheeling Historical Society, Post Office Box 3, Wheeling, IL 60090, through their book, Wheeling Through The Years. Please enjoy your trip into Wheeling's past by paging through these wonderful photos and associated captions.
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GATEPOSTS and lamp in front of Dr. Schneider's home. Here, beneath blooming horse chestnut trees, children sat in the evening to await the lamp lighter with his torch and ladder.
THE RIVER was low during dry spells, revealing sand bars where children played. Looking south beneath the Dundee Rd. bridge, the Periolat brewery may be seen on the west bank.
DAM NO. 1 where Hintz Rd. meets Milwaukee Ave. was a popular place to swim. A walkway with railings crossed the top of the dam, and cars could cross just below it. This 1918 photo is by Henry Grandt, Jr. of the Forest Preserve staff.

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This photo gallery compliments of Gary Belniak at Marcus, Inc.
and Kim Glass at Hour Glass Multimedia