Yellow Wolfe’s letter…


Tankaheh Soaring Hawk,
    Or should I start with "Greetings Gerald"!  You do realize that your Indian Name, title as Medicine Man, and beloved Pawnee Nation will all be a quaint memory if this initiative passes.  
    Having Native American blood in me, allows me to speak from a closer perspective.  This program celebrates the Native American culture, and gives a bit of "good" press to my brethren.  Does it please all of Gitchie Manitou's children?  No, and nothing ever will please everyone.  Many of the Elders of the Council of the Three Fires are happy when they see our organization showing positive aspects of the Native American culture.  They are afraid that people will see our culture for what a few have done to ruin it.  Just recently several of our "Brothers" ejected members of our tribe to secure larger revenues from the casino interests the tribe holds.  If the Y-Indian Guide Program is abolished, what will people remember Native Americans for?
    I am not the only one in the Indian Guides with Native American bloodlines.  The Stepping Stones Nation has four individuals with Native parentage.  Do not allow yourself to be blindly lead down this path under the guise of "sensitivity".  Visit some Native American sites on the web, and send an email to a few addressees listed there.  Ask them for yourself.  Of course, we would like to see our culture become more accurately portrayed.  In the Stepping Stones Nation, I lead the initiative to get rid of some "insensitive" terms, but I realized that it wasn't done to make lite or ridicule my culture.  No one should be persecuted for ignorance, and a basically good program should not be dismantled for it either.
    You may still not agree with my position on this subject, but I hope I have shed some light on what native people think.  Ignorance is easy to find on both sides of the river.  I will not email you again if you wish it so, but if you find out things are different than you perceive, you may forward this to people who misunderstand what is happening.  May Gitchie Manitou guide you and keep your family strong.  What language family does noonway come from?
                                                              Yellow Wolf



and the response….

Ya`eh`eeh Yellow Wolf,

 You speak from your heart and with much wisdom so your words demand respect.

 I am not sure that I disagree with anything that you have said my friend, your words are all is that I conclude differently.

 Many of the people agree with you while other indigenous descendents do not. For me....I am a great-great-great-grandchild of European immigrants that wreaked great misery and countless sins against your people. I humbly submit that it is arrogant for me to judge what is politically correct or not and what is properly sensitive or is enough for me to know that it is disturbing to many.

I will miss my Indian name and my Medicine Man title of both the Pawnee Nation and Algonquin Federation....but hoping that the Great Spirit gives the wisdom to be a good Chief next year to both groups.

I have a great affinity and respect for the ways of the Native American. Their and your notion of harmony with the universe that surrounds us is the right path. Indigenous peoples' sense of family and community are examples for all peoples to follow. All people should know and remember this about the Native American people. All should read the words and know the wisdom of Black Elk, Chief Joseph and many others.

It is a shame that this program, beloved to us both, has not been over the years a program that teaches and honors the value of the people, in practice, not words, across all Tribes, Nations, and Federations......not just the precious few. It is shameful how the culture of the people have been distorted and mocked through the length of my 49 years.

It is wrong that so many things of the past have brought us, and this program, to where it is today.......but these things can not be separated.....and that fact breaks my heart.

While change may be the only constant in the universe.....change is not without a price. There will be no joy in the inevitable change in this program for either me or my daughter, but I will take pride in the lesson that can be learned from it. To support a sense of pride and independence in those peoples and children of the Great Spirit that this program offends (however harsh that view may be) will mitigate the price I will pay.

What will be left? You and I and other leaders, our children, and the essential aims and purpose of the program. A program that builds a bond of friendship, one-on-one, between Parent and Child that will last a lifetime.......and the lessons and stories and examples that we provide them......and while perhaps in a different voice...the sound of harmony.

We may not agree with each other on this subject, but I hope that I have shed some light on what at least I, who only speaks for himself, think. Understanding can be found on both sides of the river, although not easy to find. While we may never speak together, although I hope we do, you may forward this to people who understand differently what is happening.

I hope that the Great Spirit finds you and yours warm and safe and enjoying the true gifts of the seasons solstice. Those of love, inner-beauty, joy, family, friends and life.


 Gerry Soaring Hawk Braun


Ps. Encourage youth. Keep a promise. Find the time. Forego a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Think first of someone else. Laugh a little. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it still once again.  These are the words of Ohiyesa.


PSS. I do not know what language family noonway comes from. It may not even be authentic although it is considered a spiritual word in throughout our Federation.