Enclosed is an Indians opinion from our Native American Holiday event.  It is an opposing opinion than mabye ours, but it is well stated.  I felt that not only our Nation, but our Federation may want to view both sides to a difference and mabye understand why there is an issue with the "Indian" theme to some people. 


Prairie Nation Chief 



I'm glad there are people around like you willing to talk openly about these issues.  With this most recent letter, being Indian has been reduced to a marketing tool.  For youth and parent alike, a fun activity is a fun activity, whatever it's wrapped in.  Many native american people have died for the right to refer to themselves by their tribal names; plain and simple, rights earned.  No one truthfully can save Indian culture except Indian communities, and they will.  Dropping stereotypical references to indians does not mean they can't study about Native peoples, but they cannot "play" Indian.  This change brings the opportunity to study and understand the full breadth of Native America, not the distorted images that are promoted among most young people.
Anyway, if sharing some of my views would help, feel free.  We're headed in the right direction my friend, believe me.
RJ Smith