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Village of Wheeling
Gregory Koeppen, Ward 3 Alderman (Elected 4 April, 1995)
E Mail: gkoeppen@lnd.com
Address: 104 Garden Lane, Prospect Heights (847)537-4566
Occupation: Lake County Farm Bureau, Public Information Director
Koeppen's Farms, Wheeling - Owner Medley's In Motion, Prospect Heights
- Owner/Entertainer
Education: B.A. Marketing Communications (Public/Government
Administration) Columbia College, Chicago, January 1998
Boards/Committees/Commissions: Cook County DUI Task Force, City
of Prospect Heights Anniversary Committee, Prospect Heights Park District
Summerfest Committee, past member Prospect Heights Convention and
Visitors Bureau
Community Projects: United Cerebral Palsy Telethon Coordinator, Chris
Zorich Foundation, Community Paint-A-Thon, Serve our Seniors Volunteer,
PADS Volunteer, Guest speaker at local Jr. Highs/High Schools/Community
Organizations/Affiliations: Illinois State Board of Education, Executive
Board Member, Wheeling Township Republican Organization, Member,
Prospect Heights/Wheeling Chamber of Commerce, Cook County Farm
Bureau, High School District 214 Alumni Committee
Awards: Governor Jim Edgar Outstanding Service Contribution Award
Lieutenant Governor Bob Kustra Volunteer Illinois Award USA Today
Newspaper All-USA 1998 Academic First Team Cook County Sheriff's
Service Medal of Honor Sons of the American Revolution, Good Citizenship
Aldermanic Statement: It gives me great pride to serve the residents of
Prospect Heights as Alderman in Ward 3. Since I was elected in April 1995
at age 19, I have had the privilege of representing the citizens of my Ward
and the City. The support and encouragement I have received along the way
has been invaluable and appreciated. Living in Prospect Heights my entire life
has given me a unique insight into the needs of the resident and City Staff.
Prospect Heights is a community I have been proud to call home and proud
to serve since 1995. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you to
keep Prospect Height the "best in the Northwest." Please feel free to contact
me via e-mail at gkoeppen@lnd.com or home
(847) 537-4566. Again, thank you, for your continued support and
If you would like to be listed in here for free, please contact Gary Cohn at 847-777-4567, or Email - Wheeling@webtv.net.
Wheeling.com winner of the Chamber of Commerce
"Business of the year" award!
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