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Village of Wheeling

Village Projects

Comprehensive Plan Discussion Topics
Village of Wheeling Plan Commission

The following is a compilation of the ideas submitted to the Development Office by the members of the Plan Commission. The ideas are not presented in any specific order or ranking.

1. Annexation of unincorporated lands south along Milwaukee Avenue to the airport and designation of these lands as either industrial, commercial or hotel.

2. Creation of a new TIF District from Manchester Drive to the southern limits of the Village.

3. Designation of residential uses for properties on the East Side of Milwaukee Avenue.

4. Purchase of the properties presently being used as a trailer park and used car lots.

5. Creation of a new TIF District from Wolf Road west along Dundee Road to the Village Limits. This district to include the area around the train Station.

6. Purchase of Dunhurst Plaza for redevelopment into a chain grocery store.

7. Purchase of the apartments on north Wolf Road for redevelopment.

8. Redevelopment Plan for the train station area.

9. Relocate Meyer Material and the asphalt plant.

10. Major revision to the existing Sign Ordinance.

11. The new Comprehensive plan should be used as a guide for a complete revision of the Zoning Ordinance.

12. Encourage single family and low-density townhouse development.

13. Improve the commercial areas to increase sales tax revenue.

14. Improve transportation corridors by creating better connections.

15. Work with the airport to create airport related commercial and industrial development.

16. Increase the number of higher paying jobs within the Village.

l7. Increase open space within the Village and integrate the open space uses with commercial, residential and industrial uses.

18. Develop the southeast corner of Wheeling Road and Dundee Road, including the Meyer Property, for a mixed-use commerciaVresidential development.

19. Develop the Horcher property with commercial uses on the north and single family or low-density townhouse on the south.

20. Develop a trail system along Buffalo Creek.

21. Redevelopment of the south side of Dundee Road from Wheeling Road to Jack London School. Redevelopment to include the purchase of the first row of residential homes in the Dunhurst Subdivision in order to increase the depth of the commercial areas.

22. Purchase of single family homes along Dundee Road in order to redevelop into commercial uses.

23. Purchase of floodprone properties for designation as open space and as a landbank for wetlands.

24. Redevelopment of Milwaukee Avenue with a theme centered on the restaurant uses. Possible uses to include a riverwalk, Ferris wheel or theater.

25. Development of a large of fice complex at Lake-Cook Road and Milwaukee Avenue.

26. Purchase of all single-family uses on Milwaukee Avenue and redevelopment into commercial uses.

27. Improve north-south access along existing streets within the Village.

28. Development of a river walk from Manchester Drive to Lake-Cook Road.

29. Development of a unified landscaping theme along the major streets within the Village.

Staff Additions:

New TIF District at Lake-Cook Road and Milwaukee Avenue to facilitate the relocation of Hines Lumber and open up the land to the west of the intersection.

Develop Village wide bikepath/walking trail system.

Develop an Open Space Plan in conjunction with the County Forest Preserve.

Develop policy to require burial of utility lines with the Village.

Develop specific development plans for any new TIF areas.

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