September 9, 1996
Ms, Colleen Reilly
BRAC Environmental Coordinator
3155 Blackhawk Drive, Suite 17
Fort Sheridan, Illinois 60037
Dear Ms. Reilly:
Please accept these comments on the Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action (ESE, August, 1996) on behalf of the Sierra Club, Great Lakes critical Lands Project The general comments below are intended to supplement the attached review of the Proposed Plan, the Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study and other relevant materials, prepared by report from Charles H. Norris, a hydrogeologist with Geo-Hydro, Inc. on our behalf.
We do not believe that the data provided in the Feasibility Study and the Phase I Draft Final Remedial Investigation-Risk Assessment (RI/RA), as summarized in the Proposed Plan, sufficiently supports either the evaluation or the selection of a preferred alternative at this time. We simply do not know enough about the waste in the landfills, or the Characteristics of the site, to make a decision which adequately protects public health and the environment. In fact, evidence in the materials suggests that the proposed alternative will be insufficient to achieve these goals.
However. while we do not feel that enough information has been collected to make a final - -
remedial action decision at this time, we strongly recommend that the Army immediately
begin collecting the leachate that is now flowing into lake Michigan to prevent further
pollution of the region’s drinking water source. 'i-I
In our opinion, the proposal lacks important information in two key areas:
Uncertainties About the Nature of the Wastes
We are concerned that sampling performed both before and during the Phase I RI/RA does not provide enough information to characterize the waste in the landfills or the groundwater flow which comes into contact with the waste, and therefore, the potential risks to the human health and the environment posed by landfills 6 and 7.
The on-site disposal of military wastes was subject to very few regulations. The Army does predict that several materials that may be harmful to human health may exist in landfills 6 and 7, but tests for these dangerous contaminants have not been done. The proposal indicates that many types of hazardous contaminants are likely to occur, including potentially carcinogenic and radioactive materials. Also, discrepancies between the leachate and generated gas compositions, as discussed in Mr. Norris' review, suggest that more sampling is necessary to determine the nature of the waste.
The Army has stated that the characterization of waste will not affect the capping alternative because a RCRA cap is used for both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. However, if the wastes do prove to be hazardous, we do not believe a cap is adequate to protect human health and the environment, given the likely infiltration of the waste by groundwater from the sides and the bottom of the landfills. Since the natural discharge for groundwater in this area is into Lake Michigan, these pollutants will be carried into the Lake Michigan if only a surface cap is applied.
Uncertainties About the Characteristics of the Site
The sampling completed at the sites does not sufficiently characterize site geology and groundwater flow. Many assumptions are made on how successful the preferred system will be in collecting leachate based upon groundwater evaluations which are incomplete and misinterpreted, such as the slug tests, as discussed in Mr. Norris' review. More sampling is needed, and a proper determination of the site's geology and groundwater resources is a necessity for the sound evaluation of data from sampling and the determination of a preferred remediation alternative.
Finally, we are concerned that the remedial action chosen through this process may indeed become the final action taken. We want to be assured that the alternative chosen for remedial action is the one which will most effectively protect Lake Michigan and neighboring residents. Unfortunately, the proposed action is not based on adequate information to make such a decision at this time.
Jolie DiMonte Krasinsky
Critical lands Organizer
Sierra Club Great Lakes Ecoregion Program
Protecting the People. Wildlife and Beauty of the Great Lakes
Critical lands Organizer cc:
Paul Lake, Project Manager, IEPA
Owen Thompson, Project Manager, USEPA
Fred Bates, President, Advocates for the Public Interest in Fort Sheridan
Ilene Figel, Senior Planner, Highland Park
Mark Rooney, city Manager, Highwood
A Review of: Fort Sheridan
Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim
Action USEPA and IEPA comments Prepared on behalf of and under contract to:
Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club
1 North LaSalle
Chicago IL 60602 by Charles H. Norris
Geo-Hydro, Inc.
1928 E. 14th Ave
Denver CO 80206 (303)322-3171
(303) 322-8649 (fax)
Introduction The Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club retained Geo-Hydro,
Inc. to perform a brief review the Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim
Action Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) prepared for the United
States Army Corps of Engineers by Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc.
ESE, July 2, 1996). In addition to the review of the FFS, Geo-Hydro, Inc.
also reviewed the following documents: Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7
Interim Action ESE, August, 1996, Fact Sheet Excavation Alternative --
Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action ESE, July, 1996), comments by BeryI Flom
(Restoration Advisory Board, May 7, 1996) and the response to these comments
(ESE, May 7, 1996), comments by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(IEPA, June 5, 1996) on the April 22, 1996 comments to the Draft version of
the FFS (ESE, December 5, 1995) and the response to these comments ESE, July
8, 1996), the comments of the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA, May 23, 1996) and the response to these comments ESE, July 8, 1996),
and the response to comments ('EPA, February 9, 1996) on the Draft version of
the FFS. Information and data relied upon to produce the FFS, but that were
not included in the FFS, were generally not available for study at the time
of these reviews. The objectives of these reviews were to determine if the
geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical, and chemical characterizations at the
site of these landfills were adequate to complete a focused feasibility study
and select along possible alternatives, to determine whether the
methodologies employed to investigate the geology and hydrogeology of sites
are valid and appropriate, and to establish whether the conclusions related
to geology and hydrogeology in the FFS are supported by the available data
and consistent with accepted scientific principles. This report presents the
findings of those reviews. General Comment on the FFS One is struck in the
FFS by the discrepancy between the qualitative descriptions of the waste in
the sections on alternatives 2 and 3, those involve capping, and the
descriptions of the waste quality in alternative 4, the alternative of
excavation and removal. When discussing the capping alternatives, including
the preferred alternative of using both RCRA and modified RCRA caps, the FFS
uses language that leaves the impression that landfills 6 and 7 contain
little more than standard, generic municipal waste that carries little
long-term risk if kept in place. In contrast, the language used in the
portions of the FFS that concerns excavation of the waste creates the
impression of highly noxious or toxic materials, difficult to handle, treat
or move, and that are the likely source of substantial environmental risk or
damage. The discrepancy may originate with a predisposition toward capping
rather than excavating and hauling the waste It may also originate from the
recognition that the contents of these landfills are simply not reliably
known. Conservative possibilities are visualized for the dig-and-haul
alternative, where everything will be exposed and handled, whereas under the
capping alternatives, the contents of the landfills are perceived as being
largely immaterial to the implementation and success of the alternative.
Regardless of its source, the discrepancy is inappropriate. A pre-existing
preference for any one alternative should not guide the descriptive language
of the alternatives, potentially biasing the decision-making process.
Further, and seemingly unrecognized in the discussions of alternatives in the
FFS, the more dangerous or hazardous the material is to excavate and haul
from an urban setting, the less appropriate it is to leave the material in
the urban setting, in an unlined, only partially confined facility. It is
also increasingly likely that the problem will outlast the lifetime of the
proposed cap(s) and other engineered structures and the cost, timing, and
implementability of replacing these features have not been factored into the
capping alternatives. Finally, a comment on the continued existing discharge
into Lake Michigan and the risks associated with gas generation and migration
is appropriate. Neither of these risks should continue unmonitored and
unmitigated until an orderly implementation of one or more of the
alternatives. Explosive concentrations of methane are reported to develop
within storm drains. The FFS does not, however, indicate where such
concentrations exist, how far from the landfill they are found, whether or
not individual residences are in danger of the build-up of methane to
explosive concentrations, or whether a monitoring program exists to track
methane concentrations and migration in drains, residences or utility
corridors. Also unaddressed in the FFS are existing programs or plans for
programs, prior to implementation of an alternative, to monitor or mitigate
the migration of other landfill-generated gases (vinyl chloride at least)
that migrate with the methane and may be of danger at significantly lower
concentrations. It is also unacceptable to continue the existing lake
discharges without mitigation prior to implementation of one of the
alternatives. It is known, based upon data within the FFS, that at least
during periods of low flow, the storm drainage being discharged into the lake
does not meet the applicable standards. The current plan is for this
discharge to continue unabated for years while a selected alternative is
implemented. An immediately implemented program should be developed to
capture low-flow storm drainage and leakage from the landfills for treatment
and discharge to NSSD, regardless of the eventually chosen alternative. Waste
and Leachate Characterization The characterization of waste and the leachate
at landfills 6 and 7 are inadequate to reasonably define and chose among
alternative actions. At least one waste stream that can greatly affect the
choice among alternatives, (presumably low level) radioactive wastes, is
identified as expected to be present, yet no attempt to evaluate it or its
presence in leachate or groundwater is reported. The descriptions of the
waste are very generalized, and on page 38 the FFS provides. The following
egregious non sequitor in discussion the composition of the waste: Sample
results to date indicate constituent concentrations that are within typical
ranges for MSW landfills operated during the period from 1950 to 1980. There
has been no sampling of the solid materials in the landfill. The descriptions
of the waste are to varying degrees inconsistent with leachate and
generated-gas compositions. Further, the leachate analyses are not highly
consistent with each other, nor consistent with the compositions of the
landfill gases. Leachate or potential leachate has been collected and
analyzed from three different settings. Analyses were obtained from samples
collected a~ leachate seeps, from low-flow water collected at the energy
dissipation structure flowing into Lake Michigan, and from fluid collected in
gas venting wells installed in the landfill. Samples that may or may not be
impacted by leachate have been analyzed from groundwater wells adjacent to
the landfills. The data available for review are from various sampling events
and the analyses are for different constituents. Quantifying conclusion about
the character of the leachate and particularly about typical compositions of
the leachate is correspondingly difficult. A major inconsistency between the
leachate composition and the gas composition is observed in the presence or
absence and the distribution of halogenated compounds. The gas contains high
concentrations of vinyl chloride, a common degradation product of heavier,
more complex chlorinated organic compounds, often de-greasers or solvents.
The qualitative description of the possible waste streams indicates that such
compounds may have been dumped at the landfills. In spite of the occurrence
of gas-phase vinyl chloride, none of the leachate samples or storm drainage
samples show detectable concentrations of vinyl chloride or of precursor
compounds. In fact, the only detectable concentrations observed were found in
groundwater between the two landfills. This is a major inconsistency that
must be resolved before the FFS can be considered complete or before
alternatives can be adequately defined or evaluated. The inconsistency may in
part be the result of sampling the gas vent wells only for leachate that
occurs in the wells and not producing landfill leachate into the wells prior
to sampling. The current well bore leachate that is sampled may well
represent the result of well-centered bioreaction rather than represent
leachate within the landfill away from the gas vent well. Consequently,
projecting treatment costs and processes for any alternatives based upon the
existing data may not be valid and are potentially highly inappropriate for
actual leachate(s) that exists in the landfills.
The vinyl chloride concentrations in the landfill gas are consistent with
concentrations that occur where co-disposal of chlorinated solvents occurred
in high relative quantities with general municipal waste, quantities that can
produce free-phase occurrence of these compounds in a landfill. Chlorinated
solvents in free-phase are normally DNAPLs or "sinkers" that are heavier than
water and will sink through the waste and leachate to move along and collect
at the base of the landfill. In spite of the vinyl chloride evidence
suggesting DNAPLs, no investigation has been undertaken to identify and
locate these compounds. The presence or absence of DNAPL accumulations will
impact the cost, effectiveness, and appropriateness of all alternatives
except the no-action alternative. Until the possibility and extent of DNAPL
accumulation is determined, the FFS is incomplete and the selection of a
preferred alternative is inappropriate. The character of the leachate from
landfill seeps and from the gas vents shows some general similarities; in
particular, high TDS, high total iron, and low sulfate. These are distinctly
different than the character of the liquid, interpreted as predominantly
leachate, sampled at energy dissipation structure at the end of the storm
drain feeding into Lake Michigan. Further, the increases in constituent
concentrations between storm drainage above and below the landfills does not
support the interpretation of 10 gpm infiltration of leachate into the storm
drain. Unless and until the chemical differences can be explained, it must be
concluded that the low-flow storm drain effluent is not primary leachate. It
follows that any alternatives using the contrary conclusion as a foundation
are potentially not valid. A number of additional inconsistencies in the FFS
are observed in the discussions of possible impacts of leachate migration
into and through groundwater. One of the more obvious of these is the
discussions in the FFS centers on the concentrations of sulfate in
groundwater. The observation that high concentrations of sulfate are found in
wells interpreted as upgradient of the both landfills is used as an argument
that landfill leachate is not responsible for high sulfate seen in some
monitoring wells. This logic ignores the significance of the leachate
chemical data. The leachates show low sulfate concentrations, not high
concentrations. If one wants to track potential leachate impacts in the
surrounding native materials, the key would be anomalously low sulfate
concentrations, not anomalously high concentrations. In fact, monitoring well
pair LF6MW04S and LF6MW04D installed between the landfills clearly show
responses indicative of leachate migration through the soils between the
landfills, and the shallower of these wells shows both vinyl chloride
concentrations that exceed standards and the existence of one precursor
compound of vinyl chloride. An additional inadequacy in the FFS is found in
the discussion of gas generation rates in the landfill. The final paragraph
in the discussion, on page 93, dismisses as unknown the most critical
potential change in the landfill that will result from changes due to
implementing one of the action alternatives. Considering that the greatest
current risk associated with the landfills is gas-transported contaminants,
it is absolutely unacceptable to accept as unknown the impact of changing
leachate levels on gas generation rates. whether generation rates increase or
decrease is particularly critical to the evaluation of the capping
alternatives, where active gas collection is to be undertaken late relative
to the action of lowering the leachate levels. Geology and Hydrogeology There
area number of serious known or potential errors in the FFS related to
geologic and hydrogeologic descriptions and their impacts on the
implementation of the various proposed or preferred alternatives.
Individually they may not constitute fatal flaws, but collectively they raise
serious concerns regarding the overall validity of the conceptual
understanding of the sites, and therefore of the validity of the selected
alternative. The overall perception of the area of Fort Sheridan as one of
low-permeability clay sediments and encased isolated lenses of silt, sand and
gravel, with slow rates of transmission for ground water, is not supported by
the topographic character of the area itself, the data within the FFS, or by
the background ground water quality. The very existence of the multiple
ravines that cut deeply and sharply into the clay ridge of the easternmost
lake-border moraine over the short distance between Lake Michigan and the
Skokie River is evidence of efficient transmission of ground water through
and under the ridge. These ravines advance landward of the lake primarily
through undercutting or sapping in response to efficient groundwater flow
through fracture systems or interconnected silt and sand stringers, not
primarily through the downcutting of surface drainage. The ravines not only
influence groundwater due to seepage into the ravines, as observed in Section Hydrology, they were created by the same seepage alluded to in the
reference to bluff instability in the same Section. The existence of the
system of interconnected, secondary porosity is also documented by
observations of entirely different phenomena at different scales. The
discussions in the FFS of the results of the laboratory and slug testing for
permeability correctly note that the combined data support an interpretation
of a flow system with a fracture (or other) secondary flow network. The
implications of this observation, however, are not explored. The ground water
migration rate calculations provided in Section Groundwater and on
Figure 1-8 are based not upon flow through a secondary system but on an
assumed matrix effective porosity of 1004. If, for example, the fracture
density produces a secondary porosity of 1%, the travel time is 10-fold less
than that represented in the FFS. The groundwater composition also reflects
both the effectiveness of the groundwater system and documents the speed of
groundwater flow through the fracture networks. The high sulfate
concentrations observed in the groundwater are the direct result of chemical
changes to wetland soils induced by urbanization and development (oxidation
of sulfide-bearing wetland soils as water tables are lowered) and reflect
travel times through the ridge system measured in decades, not centuries. The
potentiometric map presented in Figure 1-7 does not represent all of the data
in the FFS and available for use. In particular, the heads for G-101, G-102,
and LF7MW01 do not appear to have been considered in construction the map.
The head for LW7MW01 is between 20 and 25 feet the below the surface mapped
in Figure 1-7. The head for G-l01 is between four and 13 feet below the
mapped surface, and head of G-102 is between nine and 14 feet below the
mapped surface. If these heads were included in the map on Figure 1-7, the
complexity of the head distributions in and around landfills 6 and 7 are far
more apparent. Including the head of G-101 alone in the mapped potentiometric
surface would clearly demonstrate that the reduced head at GV-1 is far more
locally restricted than suggested by the map in Figure 1-7. This in turn
suggests that the ability to effectively use the existing, deep storm drain
system or the gas vent wells is likely to be far less effective at draining
leachate than is implied in the FFS. The relatively low head values shown in
the other two excluded wells suggest that the "sink" observed at GV-1 may not
necessarily or solely be due to the deep storm drain, but may alternatively
or supplementally have a geologic component. Until this possibility is fully
evaluated, none of the action alternatives can be evaluated adequately and
even such fundamental components as monitoring well locations along probable
migration paths cannot be determined The FFS refers in several places to
monitoring well LF6MW0I as being an upgradient well with respect to the
landfills. While this well is the most headward well in the ravine, the site
characterization does not establish this well as upgradient. A comparison of
the head level at LF6MW01 and the topography displayed on Figure I-4 suggests
that the well may likely be downgradient of the landfills, at least at some
times. The land surface at landfill 6 is depicted on Figure 14 as a bowl,
with several closed depressions contoured. The elevations of the depressions
nearest LF6MW01 are between 664 feet and 658 feet, some S to 14 feet above
the head in LF6MW01. During periods of heavy recharge, one would expect
mounding of leachate under the depressions, potentially to the land surface,
based upon drainage observations discussed in the FFS. At such nines, LF6MW01
would be downgradient, not upgradient of the landfills The hydrogeologic
conceptualization of the landfills relies heavily upon permeabilities
obtained from slug tests from only three wells at the landfills and two wells
elsewhere on Ft. Sheridan. of the three site wells, only one tested in situ
soil materials below the ravine and none tested in situ materials adjacent to
the ravine. The interpretations of the three site slug tests, obtained from
the Remedial Investigation ESE, 1992), show that certainly in one case
(LF'7MW04S), and possibly a second case (LF6MW04D), the interpretative model
selected is inappropriate based upon the response of the well to the test.
The data should be re-evaluated correctly. The interpretation of the 10 gpm
low-flow storm drainage as leachate infiltration into the underlying storm
drain is unsupported by either chemical or hydrogeologic/geologic data. This
interpretation requires 13 inches of some 33 inches of average precipitation
infiltrate annually and drain through the landfill into the storm drain. This
would have to be in addition to precipitation that must infiltrate to provide
leachate that is observed as seepage from the flanks and east face, drainage
into shallow storm and surface drains, and flow into surrounding and
underlying native soils. The 13 inches stated, let alone the undetermined
total infiltration required, stretches credulity. Further, there appears to
have been no effort to evaluate even qualitatively the seasonal fluctuations
of heads, a direct indication of the infiltration component of water balance.
Similarly, the MODFLOW model made no attempt to match any transient behavior
of the landfill, an absolutely critical step in establishing the validity of
any numerical modeling. The modeling done in support of the 10 gpm
interpretation appears at best circular in reasoning and, as described, the
structure of the model seems inadequate to actually test the concept. The
flow net provided in Figure 1-8 is distinctly in conflict with the
parameterization of the "successful" model. The former shows a flow pattern
through landfill material and native soils that have little contrast in
hydraulic properties (little or no deflection of potentiometric lines or flow
lines at the contact between the materials), whereas the model had a 500-fold
contrast between the landfill waste and the native soils. However, the model
is not documented in the FFS for critical review, and this is a major
deficiency for the study. The 10 gpm interpretation is so questionable and so
fundamental to the evaluation of the various capping alternatives that it
cannot be accepted based upon anything less than full critical review of all
supporting evidence, including the modeling that is referenced. Conclusions
and Recommendations The data within the FFS is not sufficient to support
either the evaluation of the proposed alternatives or the selection of a
preferred alternative. The inadequacy is observed among geologic,
hydrogeologic, geochemical and chemical data. In addition to the
insufficiency of the data within the ITS, conclusions drawn from the included
data are frequently not supported by the data and can be at odds with
accepted scientific principles. Prior to proceeding with any action
alternatives, additional characterization is required for groundwater systems
and the geology surrounding the site. Sampling and characterization of the
solid waste should he done. Leachate sampling from the landfill mass should
be undertaken to supplement the characterization of the fluid within the gas
vent wells. Radiologic assessment of the various media at the site should be
undertaken. A sampling program to determine the extent of the probable DNAPLs
should be undertaken. Finally a realistic integration of the existing and new
data should be performed before any evaluation of action alternatives is
undertaken. In the interim, leachate escaping from the landfills from either
lateral and face seeps or that may occur in storm drain effluent should be
captured, treated as necessary, and appropriately discharged, rather than
being permitted to dump into Lake Michigan. Also during the interim, gas
levels (at least methane and vinyl chloride) in storm drains, utility
corridors and residences should be monitored and vented as necessary as an
ongoing mitigation program.
To: Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter
From: Charles H. Norris, Geo-Hydro, Inc.
Date: December 17, 1996
Re: Responses to Draft Responsiveness Summary. 17-1 The rationale by the
authors of the response justifying the discrepancy between the qualitative
descriptions of waste among the alternatives is at best circular. "The
differences can be attributed to the differences in risk" is a restatement of
the problem, not a resolution of it. Unless and until the waste contents of
Landfills 6 and 7 are adequately characterized, it is inappropriate to
presume relative risks, or to use alternative-dependent descriptions to bias
perceptions of the risk. The acknowledgment by the authors of the response
that these wastes must be presumed to include hazardous and/or industrial
wastes (response to comment #1-1) does not absolve the government from the
responsibility of determining the specific nature of the waste, rather it
underscores the need for such determination. Some MSW landfills from this era
that were the sites of co-disposal are among the Superifund sites.
The authors acknowledge the cost of cap replacement has not been included,
because NCP doesn't require it, since it is presumed to last "indefinitely."
This is a presumption that is insupportable. The comparison of the proposed
cap at this site with that at an off-site facility is deliberate
misdirection. Such a site would not likely be in an urban area, would not be
adjacent to Lake Michigan, would have hill engineering containment of the
waste, and would be a facility acknowledged and sited for its purpose, a
hazardous or special waste disposal facility. Further, as pointed out by the
authors of the responses, the off-site facility would have the additional
advantages of requiring up-front payment, by way of disposal fees, for
facility maintenance, and the government would clearly still be liable for
the waste and would be unable to "walk" at some arbitrary or budgetary point
in the future. Finally, the proffered computation of discounting cap repairs
calls to mind Mark Twain s observations regarding the relationship between
prevaricators and statisticians. A more meaningful calculation is that a cap
repair today that costs $3,000, 000 will cost 7.7 times as much, more than
$23,000,000, in 30 years, using the suggested 7% rate for
discounting/inflation. 17-2 The authors choose not to respond to the
concerns of lake releases in this comment, but rather to emphasize the
extortionary nature of the proceedings. Four months have gone by since the
observation was made that unabated discharge to the lake should be stopped
immediately. The government responds that it doesn't even anticipate stopping
the lake dumping until at least a year after the final selection of the
capping alternative as "interim" remedy. The longer selection of this
alternative takes, the longer the lake dumping will be permitted to continue.
Until the 'EPA agrees to their monitoring pro grain, they will not even
monitor storm drain discharges.
Sierra Club Great Lakes Ecoregion Program
Protecting the People. Wildlife and Beauty of the Great Lakes
September 9, 1996
Ms, Colleen Reilly
BRAC Environmental Coordinator
3155 Blackhawk Drive, Suite 17
Fort Sheridan, Illinois 60037
Dear Ms. Reilly:
Please accept these comments on the Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim
Action (ESE, August, 1996) on behalf of the Sierra Club, Great Lakes critical
Lands Project The general comments below are intended to supplement the
attached review of the Proposed Plan, the Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7
Interim Action Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study and other relevant
materials, prepared by report from Charles H. Norris, a hydrogeologist with
Geo-Hydro, Inc. on our behalf.
We do not believe that the data provided in the Feasibility Study and the
Phase I Draft Final Remedial Investigation-Risk Assessment (RI/RA), as
summarized in the Proposed Plan, sufficiently supports either the evaluation
or the selection of a preferred alternative at this time. We simply do not
know enough about the waste in the landfills, or the Characteristics of the
site, to make a decision which adequately protects public health and the
environment. In fact, evidence in the materials suggests that the proposed
alternative will be insufficient to achieve these goals.
However. while we do not feel that enough information has been collected to
make a final - -
remedial action decision at this time, we strongly recommend that the Army
begin collecting the leachate that is now flowing into lake Michigan to
prevent further
pollution of the region's drinking water source. 'i-I
In our opinion, the proposal lacks important information in two key areas:
Uncertainties About the Nature of the Wastes
We are concerned that sampling performed both before and during the Phase I
RI/RA does not provide enough information to characterize the waste in the
landfills or the groundwater flow which comes into contact with the waste,
and therefore, the potential risks to the human health and the environment
posed by landfills 6 and 7.
The on-site disposal of military wastes was subject to very few regulations.
The Army does predict that several materials that may be harmful to human
health may exist in landfills 6 and 7, but tests for these dangerous
contaminants have not been done. The proposal indicates that many types of
hazardous contaminants are likely to occur, including potentially
carcinogenic and radioactive materials. Also, discrepancies between the
leachate and generated gas compositions, as discussed in Mr. Norris' review,
suggest that more sampling is necessary to determine the nature of the waste.
The Army has stated that the characterization of waste will not affect the
capping alternative because a RCRA cap is used for both hazardous and
non-hazardous waste. However, if the wastes do prove to be hazardous, we do
not believe a cap is adequate to protect human health and the environment,
given the likely infiltration of the waste by groundwater from the sides and
the bottom of the landfills. Since the natural discharge for groundwater in
this area is into Lake Michigan, these pollutants will be carried into the
Lake Michigan if only a surface cap is applied.
Uncertainties About the Characteristics of the Site
The sampling completed at the sites does not sufficiently characterize site
geology and groundwater flow. Many assumptions are made on how successful the
preferred system will be in collecting leachate based upon groundwater
evaluations which are incomplete and misinterpreted, such as the slug tests,
as discussed in Mr. Norris' review. More sampling is needed, and a proper
determination of the site's geology and groundwater resources is a necessity
for the sound evaluation of data from sampling and the determination of a
preferred remediation alternative.
Finally, we are concerned that the remedial action chosen through this
process may indeed become the final action taken. We want to be assured that
the alternative chosen for remedial action is the one which will most
effectively protect Lake Michigan and neighboring residents. Unfortunately,
the proposed action is not based on adequate information to make such a
decision at this time.
Jolie DiMonte Krasinsky
Critical lands Organizer
Paul Lake, Project Manager, IEPA
Owen Thompson, Project Manager, USEPA
Fred Bates, President, Advocates for the Public Interest in Fort Sheridan
Ilene Figel, Senior Planner, Highland Park
Mark Rooney, city Manager, Highwood
A Review of:
Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study
Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
USEPA and IEPA comments
Prepared on behalf of and under contract to:
Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club
1 North LaSalle
Chicago IL 60602
Charles H. Norris
Geo-Hydro, Inc.
1928 E. 14th Ave
Denver CO 80206
(303) 322-8649 (fax)
The Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club retained Geo-Hydro, Inc. to perform a
brief review the Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action Draft Final
Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) prepared for the United States Army Corps of
Engineers by Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc. ESE, July 2, 1996). In
addition to the review of the FFS, Geo-Hydro, Inc. also reviewed the
following documents: Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action ESE,
August, 1996, Fact Sheet Excavation Alternative -- Landfills 6 and 7 Interim
Action ESE, July, 1996), comments by BeryI Flom (Restoration Advisory Board,
May 7, 1996) and the response to these comments (ESE, May 7, 1996), comments
by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA, June 5, 1996) on the
April 22, 1996 comments to the Draft version of the FFS (ESE, December 5,
1995) and the response to these comments ESE, July 8, 1996), the comments of
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, May 23, 1996) and
the response to these comments ESE, July 8, 1996), and the response to
comments ('EPA, February 9, 1996) on the Draft version of the FFS.
Information and data relied upon to produce the FFS, but that were not
included in the FFS, were generally not available for study at the time of
these reviews.
The objectives of these reviews were to determine if the geologic,
hydrogeologic, geochemical, and chemical characterizations at the site of
these landfills were adequate to complete a focused feasibility study and
select along possible alternatives, to determine whether the methodologies
employed to investigate the geology and hydrogeology of sites are valid and
appropriate, and to establish whether the conclusions related to geology and
hydrogeology in the FFS are supported by the available data and consistent
with accepted scientific principles. This report presents the findings of
those reviews.
General Comment on the FFS
One is struck in the FFS by the discrepancy between the qualitative
descriptions of the waste in the sections on alternatives 2 and 3, those
involve capping, and the descriptions of the waste quality in alternative 4,
the alternative of excavation and removal. When discussing the capping
alternatives, including the preferred alternative of using both RCRA and
modified RCRA caps, the FFS uses language that leaves the impression that
landfills 6 and 7 contain little more than standard, generic municipal waste
that carries little long-term risk if kept in place. In contrast, the
language used in the portions of the FFS that concerns excavation of the
waste creates the impression of highly noxious or toxic materials, difficult
to handle, treat or move, and that are the likely source of substantial
environmental risk or damage.
The discrepancy may originate with a predisposition toward capping rather
than excavating and hauling the waste It may also originate from the
recognition that the contents of these landfills are simply not reliably
known. Conservative possibilities are visualized for the dig-and-haul
alternative, where everything will be exposed and handled, whereas under the
capping alternatives, the contents of the landfills are perceived as being
largely immaterial to the implementation and success of the alternative.
Regardless of its source, the discrepancy is inappropriate. A pre-existing
preference for any one alternative should not guide the descriptive language
of the alternatives, potentially biasing the decision-making process.
Further, and seemingly unrecognized in the discussions of alternatives in the
FFS, the more dangerous or hazardous the material is to excavate and haul
from an urban setting, the less appropriate it is to leave the material in
the urban setting, in an unlined, only partially confined facility. It is
also increasingly likely that the problem will outlast the lifetime of the
proposed cap(s) and other engineered structures and the cost, timing, and
implementability of replacing these features have not been factored into the
capping alternatives.
Finally, a comment on the continued existing discharge into Lake Michigan and
the risks associated with gas generation and migration is appropriate.
Neither of these risks should continue unmonitored and unmitigated until an
orderly implementation of one or more of the alternatives. Explosive
concentrations of methane are reported to develop within storm drains. The
FFS does not, however, indicate where such concentrations exist, how far from
the landfill they are found, whether or not individual residences are in
danger of the build-up of methane to explosive concentrations, or whether a
monitoring program exists to track methane concentrations and migration in
drains, residences or utility corridors. Also unaddressed in the FFS are
existing programs or plans for programs, prior to implementation of an
alternative, to monitor or mitigate the migration of other landfill-generated
gases (vinyl chloride at least) that migrate with the methane and may be of
danger at significantly lower concentrations. It is also unacceptable to
continue the existing lake discharges without mitigation prior to
implementation of one of the alternatives. It is known, based upon data
within the FFS, that at least during periods of low flow, the storm drainage
being discharged into the lake does not meet the applicable standards. The
current plan is for this discharge to continue unabated for years while a
selected alternative is implemented. An immediately implemented program
should be developed to capture low-flow storm drainage and leakage from the
landfills for treatment and discharge to NSSD, regardless of the eventually
chosen alternative.
Waste and Leachate Characterization
The characterization of waste and the leachate at landfills 6 and 7 are
inadequate to reasonably define and chose among alternative actions. At least
one waste stream that can greatly affect the choice among alternatives,
(presumably low level) radioactive wastes, is identified as expected to be
present, yet no attempt to evaluate it or its presence in leachate or
groundwater is reported. The descriptions of the waste are very generalized,
and on page 38 the FFS provides. The following egregious non sequitor in
discussion the composition of the waste:
Sample results to date indicate constituent concentrations that are within
typical ranges for MSW landfills operated during the period from 1950 to
1980. There has been no sampling of the solid materials in the landfill. The
descriptions of the waste are to varying degrees inconsistent with leachate
and generated-gas compositions. Further, the leachate analyses are not highly
consistent with each other, nor consistent with the compositions of the
landfill gases.
Leachate or potential leachate has been collected and analyzed from three
different settings. Analyses were obtained from samples collected a~ leachate
seeps, from low-flow water collected at the energy dissipation structure
flowing into Lake Michigan, and from fluid collected in gas venting wells
installed in the landfill. Samples that may or may not be impacted by
leachate have been analyzed from groundwater wells adjacent to the landfills.
The data available for review are from various sampling events and the
analyses are for different constituents. Quantifying conclusion about the
character of the leachate and particularly about typical compositions of the
leachate is correspondingly difficult.
A major inconsistency between the leachate composition and the gas
composition is observed in the presence or absence and the distribution of
halogenated compounds. The gas contains high concentrations of vinyl
chloride, a common degradation product of heavier, more complex chlorinated
organic compounds, often de-greasers or solvents. The qualitative description
of the possible waste streams indicates that such compounds may have been
dumped at the landfills.
In spite of the occurrence of gas-phase vinyl chloride, none of the leachate
samples or storm drainage samples show detectable concentrations of vinyl
chloride or of precursor compounds. In fact, the only detectable
concentrations observed were found in groundwater between the two landfills.
This is a major inconsistency that must be resolved before the FFS can be
considered complete or before alternatives can be adequately defined or
evaluated. The inconsistency may in part be the result of sampling the gas
vent wells only for leachate that occurs in the wells and not producing
landfill leachate into the wells prior to sampling. The current well bore
leachate that is sampled may well represent the result of well-centered
bioreaction rather than represent leachate within the landfill away from the
gas vent well. Consequently, projecting treatment costs and processes for any
alternatives based upon the existing data may not be valid and are
potentially highly inappropriate for actual leachate(s) that exists in the
The vinyl chloride concentrations in the landfill gas are consistent with
concentrations that occur where co-disposal of chlorinated solvents occurred
in high relative quantities with general municipal waste, quantities that can
produce free-phase occurrence of these compounds in a landfill. Chlorinated
solvents in free-phase are normally DNAPLs or "sinkers" that are heavier than
water and will sink through the waste and leachate to move along and collect
at the base of the landfill. In spite of the vinyl chloride evidence
suggesting DNAPLs, no investigation has been undertaken to identify and
locate these compounds. The presence or absence of DNAPL accumulations will
impact the cost, effectiveness, and appropriateness of all alternatives
except the no-action alternative. Until the possibility and extent of DNAPL
accumulation is determined, the FFS is incomplete and the selection of a
preferred alternative is inappropriate.
The character of the leachate from landfill seeps and from the gas vents
shows some general similarities; in particular, high TDS, high total iron,
and low sulfate. These are distinctly different than the character of the
liquid, interpreted as predominantly leachate, sampled at energy dissipation
structure at the end of the storm drain feeding into Lake Michigan. Further,
the increases in constituent concentrations between storm drainage above and
below the landfills does not support the interpretation of 10 gpm
infiltration of leachate into the storm drain. Unless and until the chemical
differences can be explained, it must be concluded that the low-flow storm
drain effluent is not primary leachate. It follows that any alternatives
using the contrary conclusion as a foundation are potentially not valid.
A number of additional inconsistencies in the FFS are observed in the
discussions of possible impacts of leachate migration into and through
groundwater. One of the more obvious of these is the discussions in the FFS
centers on the concentrations of sulfate in groundwater. The observation that
high concentrations of sulfate are found in wells interpreted as upgradient
of the both landfills is used as an argument that landfill leachate is not
responsible for high sulfate seen in some monitoring wells. This logic
ignores the significance of the leachate chemical data. The leachates show
low sulfate concentrations, not high concentrations. If one wants to track
potential leachate impacts in the surrounding native materials, the key would
be anomalously low sulfate concentrations, not anomalously high
concentrations. In fact, monitoring well pair LF6MW04S and LF6MW04D installed
between the landfills clearly show responses indicative of leachate migration
through the soils between the landfills, and the shallower of these wells
shows both vinyl chloride concentrations that exceed standards and the
existence of one precursor compound of vinyl chloride.
An additional inadequacy in the FFS is found in the discussion of gas
generation rates in the landfill. The final paragraph in the discussion, on
page 93, dismisses as unknown the most critical potential change in the
landfill that will result from changes due to implementing one of the action
alternatives. Considering that the greatest current risk associated with the
landfills is gas-transported contaminants, it is absolutely unacceptable to
accept as unknown the impact of changing leachate levels on gas generation
rates. whether generation rates increase or decrease is particularly critical
to the evaluation of the capping alternatives, where active gas collection is
to be undertaken late relative to the action of lowering the leachate levels.
Geology and Hydrogeology
There area number of serious known or potential errors in the FFS related to
geologic and hydrogeologic descriptions and their impacts on the
implementation of the various proposed or preferred alternatives.
Individually they may not constitute fatal flaws, but collectively they raise
serious concerns regarding the overall validity of the conceptual
understanding of the sites, and therefore of the validity of the selected
The overall perception of the area of Fort Sheridan as one of
low-permeability clay sediments and encased isolated lenses of silt, sand and
gravel, with slow rates of transmission for ground water, is not supported by
the topographic character of the area itself, the data within the FFS, or by
the background ground water quality. The very existence of the multiple
ravines that cut deeply and sharply into the clay ridge of the easternmost
lake-border moraine over the short distance between Lake Michigan and the
Skokie River is evidence of efficient transmission of ground water through
and under the ridge. These ravines advance landward of the lake primarily
through undercutting or sapping in response to efficient groundwater flow
through fracture systems or interconnected silt and sand stringers, not
primarily through the downcutting of surface drainage. The ravines not only
influence groundwater due to seepage into the ravines, as observed in Section Hydrology, they were created by the same seepage alluded to in the
reference to bluff instability in the same Section.
The existence of the system of interconnected, secondary porosity is also
documented by observations of entirely different phenomena at different
scales. The discussions in the FFS of the results of the laboratory and slug
testing for permeability correctly note that the combined data support an
interpretation of a flow system with a fracture (or other) secondary flow
network. The implications of this observation, however, are not explored. The
ground water migration rate calculations provided in Section
Groundwater and on Figure 1-8 are based not upon flow through a secondary
system but on an assumed matrix effective porosity of 1004. If, for example,
the fracture density produces a secondary porosity of 1%, the travel time is
10-fold less than that represented in the FFS.
The groundwater composition also reflects both the effectiveness of the
groundwater system and documents the speed of groundwater flow through the
fracture networks. The high sulfate concentrations observed in the
groundwater are the direct result of chemical changes to wetland soils
induced by urbanization and development (oxidation of sulfide-bearing wetland
soils as water tables are lowered) and reflect travel times through the ridge
system measured in decades, not centuries.
The potentiometric map presented in Figure 1-7 does not represent all of the
data in the FFS and available for use. In particular, the heads for G-101,
G-102, and LF7MW01 do not appear to have been considered in construction the
map. The head for LW7MW01 is between 20 and 25 feet the below the surface
mapped in Figure 1-7. The head for G-l01 is between four and 13 feet below
the mapped surface, and head of G-102 is between nine and 14 feet below the
mapped surface. If these heads were included in the map on Figure 1-7, the
complexity of the head distributions in and around landfills 6 and 7 are far
more apparent. Including the head of G-101 alone in the mapped potentiometric
surface would clearly demonstrate that the reduced head at GV-1 is far more
locally restricted than suggested by the map in Figure 1-7. This in turn
suggests that the ability to effectively use the existing, deep storm drain
system or the gas vent wells is likely to be far less effective at draining
leachate than is implied in the FFS.
The relatively low head values shown in the other two excluded wells suggest
that the "sink" observed at GV-1 may not necessarily or solely be due to the
deep storm drain, but may alternatively or supplementally have a geologic
component. Until this possibility is fully evaluated, none of the action
alternatives can be evaluated adequately and even such fundamental components
as monitoring well locations along probable migration paths cannot be
The FFS refers in several places to monitoring well LF6MW0I as being an upgra
dient well with respect to the landfills. While this well is the most
headward well in the ravine, the site characterization does not establish
this well as upgradient. A comparison of the head level at LF6MW01 and the
topography displayed on Figure I-4 suggests that the well may likely be
downgradient of the landfills, at least at some times. The land surface at
landfill 6 is depicted on Figure 14 as a bowl, with several closed
depressions contoured. The elevations of the depressions nearest LF6MW01 are
between 664 feet and 658 feet, some S to 14 feet above the head in LF6MW01.
During periods of heavy recharge, one would expect mounding of leachate under
the depressions, potentially to the land surface, based upon drainage
observations discussed in the FFS. At such nines, LF6MW01 would be
downgradient, not upgradient of the landfills
The hydrogeologic conceptualization of the landfills relies heavily upon
permeabilities obtained from slug tests from only three wells at the
landfills and two wells elsewhere on Ft. Sheridan. of the three site wells,
only one tested in situ soil materials below the ravine and none tested in
situ materials adjacent to the ravine. The interpretations of the three site
slug tests, obtained from the Remedial Investigation ESE, 1992), show that
certainly in one case (LF'7MW04S), and possibly a second case (LF6MW04D), the
interpretative model selected is inappropriate based upon the response of the
well to the test. The data should be re-evaluated correctly.
The interpretation of the 10 gpm low-flow storm drainage as leachate
infiltration into the underlying storm drain is unsupported by either
chemical or hydrogeologic/geologic data. This interpretation requires 13
inches of some 33 inches of average precipitation infiltrate annually and
drain through the landfill into the storm drain. This would have to be in
addition to precipitation that must infiltrate to provide leachate that is
observed as seepage from the flanks and east face, drainage into shallow
storm and surface drains, and flow into surrounding and underlying native
soils. The 13 inches stated, let alone the undetermined total infiltration
required, stretches credulity. Further, there appears to have been no effort
to evaluate even qualitatively the seasonal fluctuations of heads, a direct
indication of the infiltration component of water balance.
Similarly, the MODFLOW model made no attempt to match any transient behavior
of the landfill, an absolutely critical step in establishing the validity of
any numerical modeling. The modeling done in support of the 10 gpm
interpretation appears at best circular in reasoning and, as described, the
structure of the model seems inadequate to actually test the concept. The
flow net provided in Figure 1-8 is distinctly in conflict with the
parameterization of the "successful" model. The former shows a flow pattern
through landfill material and native soils that have little contrast in
hydraulic properties (little or no deflection of potentiometric lines or flow
lines at the contact between the materials), whereas the model had a 500-fold
contrast between the landfill waste and the native soils. However, the model
is not documented in the FFS for critical review, and this is a major
deficiency for the study. The 10 gpm interpretation is so questionable and so
fundamental to the evaluation of the various capping alternatives that it
cannot be accepted based upon anything less than full critical review of all
supporting evidence, including the modeling that is referenced.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The data within the FFS is not sufficient to support either the evaluation of
the proposed alternatives or the selection of a preferred alternative. The
inadequacy is observed among geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical and
chemical data. In addition to the insufficiency of the data within the ITS,
conclusions drawn from the included data are frequently not supported by the
data and can be at odds with accepted scientific principles. Prior to
proceeding with any action alternatives, additional characterization is
required for groundwater systems and the geology surrounding the site.
Sampling and characterization of the solid waste should he done. Leachate
sampling from the landfill mass should be undertaken to supplement the
characterization of the fluid within the gas vent wells. Radiologic
assessment of the various media at the site should be undertaken. A sampling
program to determine the extent of the probable DNAPLs should be undertaken.
Finally a realistic integration of the existing and new data should be
performed before any evaluation of action alternatives is undertaken. In the
interim, leachate escaping from the landfills from either lateral and face
seeps or that may occur in storm drain effluent should be captured, treated
as necessary, and appropriately discharged, rather than being permitted to
dump into Lake Michigan. Also during the interim, gas levels (at least
methane and vinyl chloride) in storm drains, utility corridors and residences
should be monitored and vented as necessary as an ongoing mitigation program.
To: Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter
From: Charles H. Norris, Geo-Hydro, Inc.
Date: December 17, 1996
Re: Responses to Draft Responsiveness Summary.
17-1 The rationale by the authors of the response justifying the discrepancy
between the qualitative descriptions of waste among the alternatives is at
best circular. "The differences can be attributed to the differences in risk"
is a restatement of the problem, not a resolution of it. Unless and until the
waste contents of Landfills 6 and 7 are adequately characterized, it is
inappropriate to presume relative risks, or to use alternative-dependent
descriptions to bias perceptions of the risk.
The acknowledgment by the authors of the response that these wastes must be
presumed to include hazardous and/or industrial wastes (response to comment
#1-1) does not absolve the government from the responsibility of determining
the specific nature of the waste, rather it underscores the need for such
determination. Some MSW landfills from this era that were the sites of
co-disposal are among the Superifund sites.
The authors acknowledge the cost of cap replacement has not been included,
because NCP doesn't require it, since it is presumed to last "indefinitely."
This is a presumption that is insupportable. The comparison of the proposed
cap at this site with that at an off-site facility is deliberate
misdirection. Such a site would not likely be in an urban area, would not be
adjacent to Lake Michigan, would have hill engineering containment of the
waste, and would be a facility acknowledged and sited for its purpose, a
hazardous or special waste disposal facility. Further, as pointed out by the
authors of the responses, the off-site facility would have the additional
advantages of requiring up-front payment, by way of disposal fees, for
facility maintenance, and the government would clearly still be liable for
the waste and would be unable to "walk" at some arbitrary or budgetary point
in the future.
Finally, the proffered computation of discounting cap repairs calls to mind
Mark Twain s observations regarding the relationship between prevaricators
and statisticians. A more meaningful calculation is that a cap repair today
that costs $3,000, 000 will cost 7.7 times as much, more than $23,000,000, in
30 years, using the suggested 7% rate for discounting/inflation.
17-2 The authors choose not to respond to the concerns of lake releases in
this comment, but rather to emphasize the extortionary nature of the
proceedings. Four months have gone by since the observation was made that
unabated discharge to the lake should be stopped immediately. The government
responds that it doesn't even anticipate stopping the lake dumping until at
least a year after the final selection of the capping alternative as
"interim" remedy. The longer selection of this alternative takes, the longer
the lake dumping will be permitted to continue. Until the 'EPA agrees to
their monitoring pro grain, they will not even monitor storm drain discharges.
The authors also choose not to respond to the concerns expressed in the
comment regarding existing (prior to implementation of the capping
alternative) monitoring and remediation programs with respect to migration
and buildup of landfill gases into the surrounding environment and
structures. The implication is that until they are permitted to make their
final selection, they will do nothing. It is also noted that the referenced
section of the FFS, Section does not address the concern, it defines
the concern.
17-3 The authors apparently have failed to read "the radiological assessment
report prepared by the State of Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety that
was provided in the FFS as Appendix I," or they would not have misstated that
that document concludes "there is no significant hazard resulting from
radioactive materials potentially disposed of in Landfill 7." The report went
no further than to conclude that there is no current exposure hazard at the
site. Any hazard from the site with respect to radioactive waste at the site
cannot be determined without characterization of the radioactive waste and
any still-existing containment of that waste.
The inability of the authors of the responses td understand the inappropriate
juxtaposition that was cited, and its potential to mislead, is perhaps one of
the more telling examples of the mind set with which they approach this
project. While it is enlightening, it is not something that lends itself to
resolution or to belaboring. However, other portions of the response do need
to be addressed. First, the fact that may MSW landfills of this vintage were
co-disposal sites for hazardous wastes does not reduce the concern - many
such sites are now Superfund sites. Second, the suggestion that such
materials at this site are immobile if present cannot be supported by the
existing site data. The existing site data from different media are
inconsistent. The best interpretation of the inconsistency is that the
leachate sampling protocols for the gas vents are grossly inadequate.
Sampling and analysis of the solid waste would assist in resolving the
inconsistencies, as well as helping to define source terms for risk analysis
and physical properties of the wastes.
One of the inconsistencies observed was the detection of vinyl chloride in
the effluent gas at the Landfill 7 gas vents, whereas there is no vinyl
chloride or precursor compounds (chlorinated solvents, an expected material
for this landfill) detected in the fluids collected at the gas vents.
Perimeter air samples around the landfill did detect precursor compounds, and
one monitoring well did detect vinyl chloride. The authors of the responses
rationalize the lack of detection in water at the gas vent wells as being due
to detection limits for the water that are too high to detect dissolved vinyl
chloride that would be in equilibrium with the gaseous phase, referencing an
analytical detection limit in the water of 2.0 mg/L. This is simply false.
The reported detection limit in Table 1-7 is 0.010 mg/L, 200-fold lower than
the stated number, and the analytical detection limit reported in Table 1.7
for vinyl chloride is 0.0026 mg/L, more than 760-fold lower than the number
used in the response. Bottom line - at the reported gas concentrations, vinyl
chloride or a predecessor compound should be observed in the liquid. That
they aren't is a direct measure of the inadequacy of the leachate sampling
protocol and the analyses to date.
There is an indirect measure of the understanding by the government of the in
adequacy of the existing leachate analyses. The work plan for this fall at
the site included sampling the gas vents again, but this time purging the
water from the vents first (normal procedure). The probability that this
leachate is itself hazardous material is reflected in the fact that the
purged liquid is to be dumped back down the vent, rather than properly
disposing of it based upon its chemical characteristics.
17-5 In response to this comment, the authors reference the response to
comment 1-32. Among the assertions in that response is the statement that
"[t]he leachate collection system would intercept and collect DNAPL present.
"This is without question an overstatement, if not a known erroneous
statement. There is no evidence anywhere in the record that the storm
drainage system is positioned or open in areas where DNAPL is or may be
within the landfill. It is also important to recognize that the impacts of
DNAPL is not primarily on the functionality of the landfill cap, but on the
composition and treatability of the landfill leachates and landfill gases.
Simple flaring will not destroy some chlorinated compounds.
17-6, 17-15 The authors of the responses maintain that mass balance cannot
be used to verify that the low flow of 10 gpm may be leachate(s) from
Landfills 6 and 7. In fact, this is one of the few methods available to
independently verify the foundation of the house of cards that is based upon
the assumption of current leachate drainage of 10 gpm. It is clear from the
data provided in the FFS that the composition of the 10 gpm is highly
inconsistent with the composition of any of the leachate compositions, but
that it is fully consistent with the composition of the water from storm
drains upgradient to the landfills. The chemical data overwhelmingly indicate
that the water that constitutes the bulk of the low-period flow is not
leachate from these landfills, but rather is storm-system drainage and "that
unknown buried drains still exist that historically discharged to the ravine,
or directly to the storm drain pipe..." (FFS, p24.)
In response to the comments regarding the reasonableness of 13 equivalent
inches of precipitation, the authors branch into what can best be considered
a rambling discussion of ways that that can be accounted for without actually
having precipitation infiltration of 13 inches/year. Among the more creative
ideas is one that up to 3 gpm is groundwater flowing laterally into the
waste, in spite of the fact that the landfills are everywhere in the FFS
described as being characterized by outward gradients; i.e., groundwater flow
from the landfill into the surrounding soils at rates of from 0.1 to 3 gpm,
not inward into the landfill. (The outward gradient is used to justify the 10
feet of over-excavation of native soils in the dig-and-haul alternative.)
The added losses to lateral leachate seeps is dismissed as being only that
due to evaporation and transpiration. The losses to such mechanisms from
these wet, swampy areas (App. I, IDNS) is not a trivial amount and should
have been considered in performing a reasonable water balance for the site,
and not dismissed out of hand.
A check on the infiltration rates can be done by considering the seasonal
head variations, as suggested in the comments. In response, rather than
performing such a calculation, the authors choose merely to repeat data in
the FFS, stating that seasonal head losses in the waste are about 5 feet. If
the drainage porosity in the waste is as high as 10%, this seasonal drainage
represents only about 6 inches of percolation, not 13 inches.
17-7 The authors of the responses acknowledge that the groundwater in
LF6MW04S has been impacted by leachate migration in that area.
17-8 The authors indicate that sufficient information exists to determine
whether increases or decreases in gas generation will result from lowering
the leachate levels. Any protection that is to be afforded must come from the
willingness to add to program costs by changing the sequence of engineering
activities in response to unspecified additional, continuing monitoring
during the installation of the cap. An example is to install the gas flare
sooner than presently planned. [It is not clear what type of flare will
destroy vinyl chloride.] The excuse of insufficient information is
particularly hollow since characterization of the solid waste would provide
the types of information (moisture contents, porosities, drainage behavior,
bulk densities, etc.) that would permit the behavior of the gas generation at
these landfills to be more reliably projected and the public to be protected
proactively and not reactively.
17-9 Whether or not the present site characterization is consistent with a
body of regional published data is irrelevant if it does not account for site
specific conditions. And, while there may be a plethora of geologic data the
authors of the responses choose to interpret in a given manner, the fact is
that that data also fits an alternative conceptual model that demonstrates
far less isolation of the landfills.
The authors err when they opine that the erosional process of sapping does
not involve an active groundwater flow system. Such flow systems define the
essence of erosion by sapping as opposed to down-cutting. Such a flow system
does not require continuous lenses of silt, sand or gravel, nor does the
geology of the area support such systems. However, flow Systems with
discontinuous lenses or layers of silt, sand, and gravel that are connected
by fracture systems provide the necessary flow network to develop the
geomorphology of the ravines.
The authors are correct when they point out that were the sapping mechanism
and the interconnected groundwater flow systems to be present and active,
field evidence would include visible seeps and springs (even in the dry
season), benching and terracing. It appears that the authors, however, have
apparently never been down into the ravines, based upon the assertion that
these features are not present. The presence of these features is apparent to
anyone who takes the time to climb down and brush away the fallen leaves or
push aside the hydrophilic vegetation at the seeps. These readily observed
and characteristic features of sapping are why the Illinois Chicago Circle
geology department brings field trips to the north shore ravines; they are
one of the clearest examples available in the Midwest to demonstrate an
erosional process normally associated with canyon-land development in the
arid west.
17-10 The authors of the responses are undoubtedly aware that, while the
rigorous characterization and evaluation of a dual porosity system would
require far more data and different data than has yet been obtained for this
site, the approximation suggested in the comment they are addressing is
accurate to with a few percent and is all that is available from the data
provided in the site documents. They are also unquestionably aware that,
while "average or bulk values for the porous medium as a whole are most
commonly used [as was done in the FFS characterization] in evaluating
groundwater flow rates (Dominico and Schwartz, 1990)," neither Pat Dominico
nor Frank Schwartz is advocating using the average bulk porosity of the
entire system for computation of contaminant travel times.
The three empirical observations called upon by the authors in support of no
secondary porosity system are as applicable a system with secondary porosity
as to one without. Both the first and second erroneously attribute head
distributions solely to variations or contrasts in hydraulic conductivity. In
fact, both phenomena discussed represent a balance between hydraulic
conductivity and the flux of water through the system. Exactly the same
head/gradient distributions exist even if the hydraulic conductivity is
doubled, provided it is acknowledged that the mass of water moving through
the system is also doubled. The significance to the site and the selected
alternative is that the effectiveness of the cap and leachate drain for
keeping water out of the waste and leachate production minimized are
undermined if there is an unrecognized, contributing network of secondary
Similarly, the now-reported lack of alteration areolae along fractures
indicates only that oxygen has not historically moved through the fractures,
not that water has and is not Moving through the fractures, As discussed in
the original comment, the relatively high sulfate levels in the monitoring
wells are suggestive of the oxidation of sulfide-rich soils associated with
upland forest wetlands, as likely existed in the area prior to urbanization.
Such soils would consume any oxygen in the groundwater before it could affect
the tills adjacent to the conduit fractures. Thus, the system described in
the comment not only is consistent with the sulfate concentrations observed
as background at the site, but also is consistent with the introduced
observation of lack of alteration areolae.
The importance of the secondary porosity system is particularly significant
once the leachate collection has stopped. Without withdrawing leachate from
the landfills, they will resaturate and establish a gradient out of the
landfill rather than into the landfill. Whether or not the secondary porosity
has been yet evaluated with respect to average hydraulic conductivities, the
travel times will be less through it than through an equivalent
single-porosity system. Any attenuative properties of the natural system will
also be reduced because of reduced contact and reduced contact time.
17-11, 17-12 The authors of the responses either don't understand the intent
and Significance of the comment and the underlying data, or are deliberately
attempting to cloud the issue. Wherever a vertical gradient is observed in or
under the landfill, the gradient is downward. That is, the phreatic surface
is higher than the head associated with the deeper interval. One can,
therefore, project that the phreatic head at the G-101 location is as high or
higher than the G-101 head, just as the LW6MW04S head is higher than the
LW6MW04D head, as seen in Table 1-2. As mapped, the phreatic head at G-101 is
interpreted at an elevation of about 642 feet. As pointed out in the
response, the head at G-101, and thus the minimum phreatic head at that
location, is about 653.5 feet, 10 or more feet higher than mapped. This means
that the head gradient toward the manhole at the phreatic surface is
significantly steeper than that mapped on Figure 1-7. Since the flux into
manhole is whatever it is, the steeper gradient means that the hydraulic
conductivity is lower than that implied by the Figure 1-7 interpretation. The
manhole may be draining an area around itself but tat area is less than that
displayed on Figure 1-7 and that suggests that drainage of both gas and
liquid from the waste may be more difficult than inferred from the incorrect
17-13 The lack of head data for LF6 and the described standing and ponding
water make the concern more than theoretical. Further, the distance of 100
feet from the waste boundary is not necessarily significant if there are
preferred pathways from the waste to the well. If monitoring points have now
been installed as part of the fall program, it may now be possible to
determine at least what the dry-season gradient relationship is between
leachate levels in LF6 and LF6MW01.
17-14 It is disturbing that, even upon review of the slug tests mentioned in
the comment, no alternative interpretation was made. It is clear from the
response of the wells to the slug test that the assumptions for the Bouwer
and Rice interpretation method are not met by the wells. Were the Bouwer and
Rice assumptions appropriate for the wells, the slug test data would have
generated a semi-log plot of residual head (log) vs. time (linear) that is a
straight line. It is the slope of this straight line that provides the
solution in the Bouwer and Rice method. However, the data do not generate
this straight line. Rather, they form curvilinear patterns with a
continuously decreasing slope with time. Since the measured-data trends do
not conform to trends generated by hydrologic systems assumed by the method,
the site hydrologic system does not conform to the system assumed by the
interpretation method. In the case of LF7MW04S, partial data reported in the
groundwater classification document permitted a limited evaluation of the
test results by the Cooper, et al. method (confined system).
It appears the data conform more closely with the Cooper type curves than to
the Bouwer and Rice straight line, with a hydraulic conductivity at least
5-fold greater and a lower storage coefficient. More important, however, than
the revised hydraulic conductivity is the data-derived observation that even
in the area of the beach and at shallow levels, the flow system appears to be
a confined, not unconfined, system.
The authors acknowledge that additional hydraulic conductivity determinations
are necessary to characterize the soils adjacent to and beneath the
landfills. It is unfortunate that it is not recognized that this data is
needed before it is appropriate to make the final selection of the
alternative for the landfills.
17-16 The limitation to the MODFLOW modeling and the down-grading of its
significance in the response is appropriate and welcomed.
It is somewhat surprising that the authors to the responses profess to not
understand the critical nature of the 10 gpm figure with respect to the
consideration of action alternatives, particularly given their emphasis on,
and defense of it. The fundamental significance of the l0-gpm-as-leachate
assumption is that it provides the foundation upon which the interpreted
fluxes through the landfill and surrounding soils are built. 10 gpm is the
maximum (and stretched) infiltration rate that can reasonably be postulated
for the landfills. If the 10 gpm discharge were leachate, there could be very
little left That is escaping through the flanks or sides of the ravine. Since
the gradients are relatively high, that dictates a very low hydraulic
conductivity, without the need for testing. If the hydraulic conductivity is
very low, there will be very little lateral flow into the landfill once
leachate levels are reduced, and leachate levels are kept low with low
leachate pumping and treatment costs. Once active management ceases, the
landfill will be slow to recharge and whatever the final head configuration,
water fluxes and corresponding risks will be minimal.
Correspondingly, if the 10 gpm discharge is not leachate, none of the other
flux terms for the landfills are known. Lateral and downward flow could be
significantly higher with correspondingly higher hydraulic conductivities. It
would be more difficult to lower leachate levels and require more pumping and
treatment to keep them low. Once management ceases, the drained wastes will
recharge more quickly and outward fluxes will be greater.
The authors are correct in observing that any differences in the flow system
will affect all action alternatives. However, it will not affect them all
equally. A major difference between the capping and the excavation
alternatives is that the former is forever, the waste is always in the path
of groundwater flow toward and through Wells Ravine.
Sierra Club Great Lakes Ecoregion Program
Protecting the People. Wildlife and Beauty of the Great Lakes
September 9, 1996
Ms, Colleen Reilly
BRAC Environmental Coordinator
3155 Blackhawk Drive, Suite 17
Fort Sheridan, Illinois 60037
Dear Ms. Reilly:
Please accept these comments on the Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7
Interim Action (ESE, August, 1996) on behalf of the Sierra Club, Great
Lakes critical Lands Project The general comments below are intended to
supplement the attached review of the Proposed Plan, the Fort Sheridan
Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study
and other relevant materials, prepared by report from Charles H. Norris,
a hydrogeologist with Geo-Hydro, Inc. on our behalf.
We do not believe that the data provided in the Feasibility Study and
the Phase I Draft Final Remedial Investigation-Risk Assessment (RI/RA),
as summarized in the Proposed Plan, sufficiently supports either the
or the selection of a preferred alternative at this time. We simply do
not know enough about the waste in the landfills, or the Characteristics
of the site, to make a decision which adequately protects public health
and the environment. In fact, evidence in the materials suggests that the
proposed alternative will be insufficient to achieve these goals.
However. while we do not feel that enough information has been collected
to make a final - -
remedial action decision at this time, we strongly recommend that the
Army immediately
begin collecting the leachate that is now flowing into lake Michigan
to prevent further
pollution of the region's drinking water source. 'i-I
In our opinion, the proposal lacks important information in two key
Uncertainties About the Nature of the Wastes
We are concerned that sampling performed both before and during the
Phase I RI/RA does not provide enough information to characterize the waste
in the landfills or the groundwater flow which comes into contact with
the waste, and therefore, the potential risks to the human health and the
environment posed by landfills 6 and 7.
The on-site disposal of military wastes was subject to very few regulations.
The Army does predict that several materials that may be harmful to human
health may exist in landfills 6 and 7, but tests for these dangerous
have not been done. The proposal indicates that many types of hazardous
contaminants are likely to occur, including potentially carcinogenic and
radioactive materials. Also, discrepancies between the leachate and generated
gas compositions, as discussed in Mr. Norris' review, suggest that more
sampling is necessary to determine the nature of the waste.
The Army has stated that the characterization of waste will not affect
the capping alternative because a RCRA cap is used for both hazardous and
non-hazardous waste. However, if the wastes do prove to be hazardous, we
do not believe a cap is adequate to protect human health and the environment,
given the likely infiltration of the waste by groundwater from the sides
and the bottom of the landfills. Since the natural discharge for groundwater
in this area is into Lake Michigan, these pollutants will be carried into
the Lake Michigan if only a surface cap is applied.
Uncertainties About the Characteristics of the Site
The sampling completed at the sites does not sufficiently characterize
site geology and groundwater flow. Many assumptions are made on how successful
the preferred system will be in collecting leachate based upon groundwater
evaluations which are incomplete and misinterpreted, such as the slug tests,
as discussed in Mr. Norris' review. More sampling is needed, and a proper
determination of the site's geology and groundwater resources is a necessity
for the sound evaluation of data from sampling and the determination of
a preferred remediation alternative.
Finally, we are concerned that the remedial action chosen through this
process may indeed become the final action taken. We want to be assured
that the alternative chosen for remedial action is the one which will most
effectively protect Lake Michigan and neighboring residents. Unfortunately,
the proposed action is not based on adequate information to make such a
decision at this time.
Jolie DiMonte Krasinsky
Critical lands Organizer
Paul Lake, Project Manager, IEPA
Owen Thompson, Project Manager, USEPA
Fred Bates, President, Advocates for the Public Interest in Fort Sheridan
Ilene Figel, Senior Planner, Highland Park
Mark Rooney, city Manager, Highwood
A Review of:
Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study
Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
USEPA and IEPA comments
Prepared on behalf of and under contract to:
Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club
1 North LaSalle
Chicago IL 60602
Charles H. Norris
Geo-Hydro, Inc.
1928 E. 14th Ave
Denver CO 80206
(303) 322-8649 (fax)
The Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club retained Geo-Hydro, Inc. to
perform a brief review the Fort Sheridan Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action
Draft Final Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) prepared for the United States
Army Corps of Engineers by Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc.
ESE, July 2, 1996). In addition to the review of the FFS, Geo-Hydro, Inc.
also reviewed the following documents: Proposed Plan Landfills 6 and 7
Interim Action ESE, August, 1996, Fact Sheet Excavation Alternative --
Landfills 6 and 7 Interim Action ESE, July, 1996), comments by BeryI Flom
(Restoration Advisory Board, May 7, 1996) and the response to these comments
(ESE, May 7, 1996), comments by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(IEPA, June 5, 1996) on the April 22, 1996 comments to the Draft version
of the FFS (ESE, December 5, 1995) and the response to these comments ESE,
July 8, 1996), the comments of the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA, May 23, 1996) and the response to these comments ESE, July
8, 1996), and the response to comments ('EPA, February 9, 1996) on the
Draft version of the FFS. Information and data relied upon to produce the
FFS, but that were not included in the FFS, were generally not available
for study at the time of these reviews.
The objectives of these reviews were to determine if the geologic,
geochemical, and chemical characterizations at the site of these landfills
were adequate to complete a focused feasibility study and select along
possible alternatives, to determine whether the methodologies employed
to investigate the geology and hydrogeology of sites are valid and
and to establish whether the conclusions related to geology and hydrogeology
in the FFS are supported by the available data and consistent with accepted
scientific principles. This report presents the findings of those reviews.
General Comment on the FFS
One is struck in the FFS by the discrepancy between the qualitative
descriptions of the waste in the sections on alternatives 2 and 3, those
involve capping, and the descriptions of the waste quality in alternative
4, the alternative of excavation and removal. When discussing the capping
alternatives, including the preferred alternative of using both RCRA and
modified RCRA caps, the FFS uses language that leaves the impression that
landfills 6 and 7 contain little more than standard, generic municipal
waste that carries little long-term risk if kept in place. In contrast,
the language used in the portions of the FFS that concerns excavation of
the waste creates the impression of highly noxious or toxic materials,
difficult to handle, treat or move, and that are the likely source of
environmental risk or damage.
The discrepancy may originate with a predisposition toward capping rather
than excavating and hauling the waste It may also originate from the
that the contents of these landfills are simply not reliably known.
possibilities are visualized for the dig-and-haul alternative, where
will be exposed and handled, whereas under the capping alternatives, the
contents of the landfills are perceived as being largely immaterial to
the implementation and success of the alternative. Regardless of its source,
the discrepancy is inappropriate. A pre-existing preference for any one
alternative should not guide the descriptive language of the alternatives,
potentially biasing the decision-making process. Further, and seemingly
unrecognized in the discussions of alternatives in the FFS, the more dangerous
or hazardous the material is to excavate and haul from an urban setting,
the less appropriate it is to leave the material in the urban setting,
in an unlined, only partially confined facility. It is also increasingly
likely that the problem will outlast the lifetime of the proposed cap(s)
and other engineered structures and the cost, timing, and implementability
of replacing these features have not been factored into the capping
Finally, a comment on the continued existing discharge into Lake Michigan
and the risks associated with gas generation and migration is appropriate.
Neither of these risks should continue unmonitored and unmitigated until
an orderly implementation of one or more of the alternatives. Explosive
concentrations of methane are reported to develop within storm drains.
The FFS does not, however, indicate where such concentrations exist, how
far from the landfill they are found, whether or not individual residences
are in danger of the build-up of methane to explosive concentrations, or
whether a monitoring program exists to track methane concentrations and
migration in drains, residences or utility corridors. Also unaddressed
in the FFS are existing programs or plans for programs, prior to
of an alternative, to monitor or mitigate the migration of other
gases (vinyl chloride at least) that migrate with the methane and may be
of danger at significantly lower concentrations. It is also unacceptable
to continue the existing lake discharges without mitigation prior to
of one of the alternatives. It is known, based upon data within the FFS,
that at least during periods of low flow, the storm drainage being discharged
into the lake does not meet the applicable standards. The current plan
is for this discharge to continue unabated for years while a selected
is implemented. An immediately implemented program should be developed
to capture low-flow storm drainage and leakage from the landfills for
and discharge to NSSD, regardless of the eventually chosen alternative.
Waste and Leachate Characterization
The characterization of waste and the leachate at landfills 6 and 7
are inadequate to reasonably define and chose among alternative actions.
At least one waste stream that can greatly affect the choice among
(presumably low level) radioactive wastes, is identified as expected to
be present, yet no attempt to evaluate it or its presence in leachate or
groundwater is reported. The descriptions of the waste are very generalized,
and on page 38 the FFS provides. The following egregious non sequitor in
discussion the composition of the waste:
Sample results to date indicate constituent concentrations that are
within typical ranges for MSW landfills operated during the period from
1950 to 1980. There has been no sampling of the solid materials in the
landfill. The descriptions of the waste are to varying degrees inconsistent
with leachate and generated-gas compositions. Further, the leachate analyses
are not highly consistent with each other, nor consistent with the
of the landfill gases.
Leachate or potential leachate has been collected and analyzed from
three different settings. Analyses were obtained from samples collected
a~ leachate seeps, from low-flow water collected at the energy dissipation
structure flowing into Lake Michigan, and from fluid collected in gas venting
wells installed in the landfill. Samples that may or may not be impacted
by leachate have been analyzed from groundwater wells adjacent to the
The data available for review are from various sampling events and the
analyses are for different constituents. Quantifying conclusion about the
character of the leachate and particularly about typical compositions of
the leachate is correspondingly difficult.
A major inconsistency between the leachate composition and the gas composition
is observed in the presence or absence and the distribution of halogenated
compounds. The gas contains high concentrations of vinyl chloride, a common
degradation product of heavier, more complex chlorinated organic compounds,
often de-greasers or solvents. The qualitative description of the possible
waste streams indicates that such compounds may have been dumped at the
In spite of the occurrence of gas-phase vinyl chloride, none of the
leachate samples or storm drainage samples show detectable concentrations
of vinyl chloride or of precursor compounds. In fact, the only detectable
concentrations observed were found in groundwater between the two landfills.
This is a major inconsistency that must be resolved before the FFS can
be considered complete or before alternatives can be adequately defined
or evaluated. The inconsistency may in part be the result of sampling the
gas vent wells only for leachate that occurs in the wells and not producing
landfill leachate into the wells prior to sampling. The current well bore
leachate that is sampled may well represent the result of well-centered
bioreaction rather than represent leachate within the landfill away from
the gas vent well. Consequently, projecting treatment costs and processes
for any alternatives based upon the existing data may not be valid and
are potentially highly inappropriate for actual leachate(s) that exists
in the landfills.
The vinyl chloride concentrations in the landfill gas are consistent
with concentrations that occur where co-disposal of chlorinated solvents
occurred in high relative quantities with general municipal waste, quantities
that can produce free-phase occurrence of these compounds in a landfill.
Chlorinated solvents in free-phase are normally DNAPLs or "sinkers" that
are heavier than water and will sink through the waste and leachate to
move along and collect at the base of the landfill. In spite of the vinyl
chloride evidence suggesting DNAPLs, no investigation has been undertaken
to identify and locate these compounds. The presence or absence of DNAPL
accumulations will impact the cost, effectiveness, and appropriateness
of all alternatives except the no-action alternative. Until the possibility
and extent of DNAPL accumulation is determined, the FFS is incomplete and
the selection of a preferred alternative is inappropriate.
The character of the leachate from landfill seeps and from the gas vents
shows some general similarities; in particular, high TDS, high total iron,
and low sulfate. These are distinctly different than the character of the
liquid, interpreted as predominantly leachate, sampled at energy dissipation
structure at the end of the storm drain feeding into Lake Michigan. Further,
the increases in constituent concentrations between storm drainage above
and below the landfills does not support the interpretation of 10 gpm
of leachate into the storm drain. Unless and until the chemical differences
can be explained, it must be concluded that the low-flow storm drain effluent
is not primary leachate. It follows that any alternatives using the contrary
conclusion as a foundation are potentially not valid.
A number of additional inconsistencies in the FFS are observed in the
discussions of possible impacts of leachate migration into and through
groundwater. One of the more obvious of these is the discussions in the
FFS centers on the concentrations of sulfate in groundwater. The observation
that high concentrations of sulfate are found in wells interpreted as
of the both landfills is used as an argument that landfill leachate is
not responsible for high sulfate seen in some monitoring wells. This logic
ignores the significance of the leachate chemical data. The leachates show
low sulfate concentrations, not high concentrations. If one wants to track
potential leachate impacts in the surrounding native materials, the key
would be anomalously low sulfate concentrations, not anomalously high
In fact, monitoring well pair LF6MW04S and LF6MW04D installed between the
landfills clearly show responses indicative of leachate migration through
the soils between the landfills, and the shallower of these wells shows
both vinyl chloride concentrations that exceed standards and the existence
of one precursor compound of vinyl chloride.
An additional inadequacy in the FFS is found in the discussion of gas
generation rates in the landfill. The final paragraph in the discussion,
on page 93, dismisses as unknown the most critical potential change in
the landfill that will result from changes due to implementing one of the
action alternatives. Considering that the greatest current risk associated
with the landfills is gas-transported contaminants, it is absolutely
to accept as unknown the impact of changing leachate levels on gas generation
rates. whether generation rates increase or decrease is particularly critical
to the evaluation of the capping alternatives, where active gas collection
is to be undertaken late relative to the action of lowering the leachate
Geology and Hydrogeology
There area number of serious known or potential errors in the FFS related
to geologic and hydrogeologic descriptions and their impacts on the
of the various proposed or preferred alternatives. Individually they may
not constitute fatal flaws, but collectively they raise serious concerns
regarding the overall validity of the conceptual understanding of the sites,
and therefore of the validity of the selected alternative.
The overall perception of the area of Fort Sheridan as one of low-permeability
clay sediments and encased isolated lenses of silt, sand and gravel, with
slow rates of transmission for ground water, is not supported by the
character of the area itself, the data within the FFS, or by the background
ground water quality. The very existence of the multiple ravines that cut
deeply and sharply into the clay ridge of the easternmost lake-border moraine
over the short distance between Lake Michigan and the Skokie River is evidence
of efficient transmission of ground water through and under the ridge.
These ravines advance landward of the lake primarily through undercutting
or sapping in response to efficient groundwater flow through fracture systems
or interconnected silt and sand stringers, not primarily through the
of surface drainage. The ravines not only influence groundwater due to
seepage into the ravines, as observed in Section Hydrology, they
were created by the same seepage alluded to in the reference to bluff
in the same Section.
The existence of the system of interconnected, secondary porosity is
also documented by observations of entirely different phenomena at different
scales. The discussions in the FFS of the results of the laboratory and
slug testing for permeability correctly note that the combined data support
an interpretation of a flow system with a fracture (or other) secondary
flow network. The implications of this observation, however, are not explored.
The ground water migration rate calculations provided in Section
Groundwater and on Figure 1-8 are based not upon flow through a secondary
system but on an assumed matrix effective porosity of 1004. If, for example,
the fracture density produces a secondary porosity of 1%, the travel time
is 10-fold less than that represented in the FFS.
The groundwater composition also reflects both the effectiveness of
the groundwater system and documents the speed of groundwater flow through
the fracture networks. The high sulfate concentrations observed in the
groundwater are the direct result of chemical changes to wetland soils
induced by urbanization and development (oxidation of sulfide-bearing wetland
soils as water tables are lowered) and reflect travel times through the
ridge system measured in decades, not centuries.
The potentiometric map presented in Figure 1-7 does not represent all
of the data in the FFS and available for use. In particular, the heads
for G-101, G-102, and LF7MW01 do not appear to have been considered in
construction the map. The head for LW7MW01 is between 20 and 25 feet the
below the surface mapped in Figure 1-7. The head for G-l01 is between four
and 13 feet below the mapped surface, and head of G-102 is between nine
and 14 feet below the mapped surface. If these heads were included in the
map on Figure 1-7, the complexity of the head distributions in and around
landfills 6 and 7 are far more apparent. Including the head of G-101 alone
in the mapped potentiometric surface would clearly demonstrate that the
reduced head at GV-1 is far more locally restricted than suggested by the
map in Figure 1-7. This in turn suggests that the ability to effectively
use the existing, deep storm drain system or the gas vent wells is likely
to be far less effective at draining leachate than is implied in the FFS.
The relatively low head values shown in the other two excluded wells
suggest that the "sink" observed at GV-1 may not necessarily or solely
be due to the deep storm drain, but may alternatively or supplementally
have a geologic component. Until this possibility is fully evaluated, none
of the action alternatives can be evaluated adequately and even such
components as monitoring well locations along probable migration paths
cannot be determined
The FFS refers in several places to monitoring well LF6MW0I as being
an upgradient well with respect to the landfills. While this well is the
most headward well in the ravine, the site characterization does not establish
this well as upgradient. A comparison of the head level at LF6MW01 and
the topography displayed on Figure I-4 suggests that the well may likely
be downgradient of the landfills, at least at some times. The land surface
at landfill 6 is depicted on Figure 14 as a bowl, with several closed
contoured. The elevations of the depressions nearest LF6MW01 are between
664 feet and 658 feet, some S to 14 feet above the head in LF6MW01. During
periods of heavy recharge, one would expect mounding of leachate under
the depressions, potentially to the land surface, based upon drainage
discussed in the FFS. At such nines, LF6MW01 would be downgradient, not
upgradient of the landfills
The hydrogeologic conceptualization of the landfills relies heavily
upon permeabilities obtained from slug tests from only three wells at the
landfills and two wells elsewhere on Ft. Sheridan. of the three site wells,
only one tested in situ soil materials below the ravine and none tested
in situ materials adjacent to the ravine. The interpretations of the three
site slug tests, obtained from the Remedial Investigation ESE, 1992), show
that certainly in one case (LF'7MW04S), and possibly a second case (LF6MW04D),
the interpretative model selected is inappropriate based upon the response
of the well to the test. The data should be re-evaluated correctly.
The interpretation of the 10 gpm low-flow storm drainage as leachate
infiltration into the underlying storm drain is unsupported by either chemical
or hydrogeologic/geologic data. This interpretation requires 13 inches
of some 33 inches of average precipitation infiltrate annually and drain
through the landfill into the storm drain. This would have to be in addition
to precipitation that must infiltrate to provide leachate that is observed
as seepage from the flanks and east face, drainage into shallow storm and
surface drains, and flow into surrounding and underlying native soils.
The 13 inches stated, let alone the undetermined total infiltration required,
stretches credulity. Further, there appears to have been no effort to evaluate
even qualitatively the seasonal fluctuations of heads, a direct indication
of the infiltration component of water balance.
Similarly, the MODFLOW model made no attempt to match any transient
behavior of the landfill, an absolutely critical step in establishing the
validity of any numerical modeling. The modeling done in support of the
10 gpm interpretation appears at best circular in reasoning and, as described,
the structure of the model seems inadequate to actually test the concept.
The flow net provided in Figure 1-8 is distinctly in conflict with the
parameterization of the "successful" model. The former shows a flow pattern
through landfill material and native soils that have little contrast in
hydraulic properties (little or no deflection of potentiometric lines or
flow lines at the contact between the materials), whereas the model had
a 500-fold contrast between the landfill waste and the native soils. However,
the model is not documented in the FFS for critical review, and this is
a major deficiency for the study. The 10 gpm interpretation is so questionable
and so fundamental to the evaluation of the various capping alternatives
that it cannot be accepted based upon anything less than full critical
review of all supporting evidence, including the modeling that is referenced.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The data within the FFS is not sufficient to support either the evaluation
of the proposed alternatives or the selection of a preferred alternative.
The inadequacy is observed among geologic, hydrogeologic, geochemical and
chemical data. In addition to the insufficiency of the data within the
ITS, conclusions drawn from the included data are frequently not supported
by the data and can be at odds with accepted scientific principles. Prior
to proceeding with any action alternatives, additional characterization
is required for groundwater systems and the geology surrounding the site.
Sampling and characterization of the solid waste should he done. Leachate
sampling from the landfill mass should be undertaken to supplement the
characterization of the fluid within the gas vent wells. Radiologic assessment
of the various media at the site should be undertaken. A sampling program
to determine the extent of the probable DNAPLs should be undertaken. Finally
a realistic integration of the existing and new data should be performed
before any evaluation of action alternatives is undertaken. In the interim,
leachate escaping from the landfills from either lateral and face seeps
or that may occur in storm drain effluent should be captured, treated as
necessary, and appropriately discharged, rather than being permitted to
dump into Lake Michigan. Also during the interim, gas levels (at least
methane and vinyl chloride) in storm drains, utility corridors and residences
should be monitored and vented as necessary as an ongoing mitigation program.
To: Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter
From: Charles H. Norris, Geo-Hydro, Inc.
Date: December 17, 1996
Re: Responses to Draft Responsiveness Summary.
17-1 The rationale by the authors of the response justifying the
discrepancy between the qualitative descriptions of waste among the
is at best circular. "The differences can be attributed to the differences
in risk" is a restatement of the problem, not a resolution of it. Unless
and until the waste contents of Landfills 6 and 7 are adequately
it is inappropriate to presume relative risks, or to use alternative-dependent
descriptions to bias perceptions of the risk.
The acknowledgment by the authors of the response that these wastes
must be presumed to include hazardous and/or industrial wastes (response
to comment #1-1) does not absolve the government from the responsibility
of determining the specific nature of the waste, rather it underscores
the need for such determination. Some MSW landfills from this era that
were the sites of co-disposal are among the Superifund sites.
The authors acknowledge the cost of cap replacement has not been included,
because NCP doesn't require it, since it is presumed to last "indefinitely."
This is a presumption that is insupportable. The comparison of the proposed
cap at this site with that at an off-site facility is deliberate misdirection.
Such a site would not likely be in an urban area, would not be adjacent
to Lake Michigan, would have hill engineering containment of the waste,
and would be a facility acknowledged and sited for its purpose, a hazardous
or special waste disposal facility. Further, as pointed out by the authors
of the responses, the off-site facility would have the additional advantages
of requiring up-front payment, by way of disposal fees, for facility
and the government would clearly still be liable for the waste and would
be unable to "walk" at some arbitrary or budgetary point in the future.
Finally, the proffered computation of discounting cap repairs calls
to mind Mark Twain s observations regarding the relationship between
and statisticians. A more meaningful calculation is that a cap repair today
that costs $3,000, 000 will cost 7.7 times as much, more than $23,000,000,
in 30 years, using the suggested 7% rate for discounting/inflation.
17-2 The authors choose not to respond to the concerns of lake
releases in this comment, but rather to emphasize the extortionary nature
of the proceedings. Four months have gone by since the observation was
made that unabated discharge to the lake should be stopped immediately.
The government responds that it doesn't even anticipate stopping the lake
dumping until at least a year after the final selection of the capping
alternative as "interim" remedy. The longer selection of this alternative
takes, the longer the lake dumping will be permitted to continue. Until
the 'EPA agrees to their monitoring pro grain, they will not even monitor
storm drain discharges.
The authors also choose not to respond to the concerns expressed in
the comment regarding existing (prior to implementation of the capping
alternative) monitoring and remediation programs with respect to migration
and buildup of landfill gases into the surrounding environment and structures.
The implication is that until they are permitted to make their final
they will do nothing. It is also noted that the referenced section of the
FFS, Section does not address the concern, it defines the concern.
17-3 The authors apparently have failed to read "the radiological
assessment report prepared by the State of Illinois Department of Nuclear
Safety that was provided in the FFS as Appendix I," or they would not have
misstated that that document concludes "there is no significant hazard
resulting from radioactive materials potentially disposed of in Landfill
7." The report went no further than to conclude that there is no current
exposure hazard at the site. Any hazard from the site with respect to
waste at the site cannot be determined without characterization of the
radioactive waste and any still-existing containment of that waste.
The inability of the authors of the responses td understand the inappropriate
juxtaposition that was cited, and its potential to mislead, is perhaps
one of the more telling examples of the mind set with which they approach
this project. While it is enlightening, it is not something that lends
itself to resolution or to belaboring. However, other portions of the response
do need to be addressed. First, the fact that may MSW landfills of this
vintage were co-disposal sites for hazardous wastes does not reduce the
concern - many such sites are now Superfund sites. Second, the suggestion
that such materials at this site are immobile if present cannot be supported
by the existing site data. The existing site data from different media
are inconsistent. The best interpretation of the inconsistency is that
the leachate sampling protocols for the gas vents are grossly inadequate.
Sampling and analysis of the solid waste would assist in resolving the
inconsistencies, as well as helping to define source terms for risk analysis
and physical properties of the wastes.
One of the inconsistencies observed was the detection of vinyl chloride
in the effluent gas at the Landfill 7 gas vents, whereas there is no vinyl
chloride or precursor compounds (chlorinated solvents, an expected material
for this landfill) detected in the fluids collected at the gas vents.
air samples around the landfill did detect precursor compounds, and one
monitoring well did detect vinyl chloride. The authors of the responses
rationalize the lack of detection in water at the gas vent wells as being
due to detection limits for the water that are too high to detect dissolved
vinyl chloride that would be in equilibrium with the gaseous phase,
an analytical detection limit in the water of 2.0 mg/L. This is simply
false. The reported detection limit in Table 1-7 is 0.010 mg/L, 200-fold
lower than the stated number, and the analytical detection limit reported
in Table 1.7 for vinyl chloride is 0.0026 mg/L, more than 760-fold lower
than the number used in the response. Bottom line - at the reported gas
concentrations, vinyl chloride or a predecessor compound should be observed
in the liquid. That they aren't is a direct measure of the inadequacy of
the leachate sampling protocol and the analyses to date.
There is an indirect measure of the understanding by the government
of the in adequacy of the existing leachate analyses. The work plan for
this fall at the site included sampling the gas vents again, but this time
purging the water from the vents first (normal procedure). The probability
that this leachate is itself hazardous material is reflected in the fact
that the purged liquid is to be dumped back down the vent, rather than
properly disposing of it based upon its chemical characteristics.
17-5 In response to this comment, the authors reference the response
to comment 1-32. Among the assertions in that response is the statement
that "[t]he leachate collection system would intercept and collect DNAPL
present. "This is without question an overstatement, if not a known erroneous
statement. There is no evidence anywhere in the record that the storm drainage
system is positioned or open in areas where DNAPL is or may be within the
landfill. It is also important to recognize that the impacts of DNAPL is
not primarily on the functionality of the landfill cap, but on the composition
and treatability of the landfill leachates and landfill gases. Simple flaring
will not destroy some chlorinated compounds.
17-6, 17-15 The authors of the responses maintain that mass balance
cannot be used to verify that the low flow of 10 gpm may be leachate(s)
from Landfills 6 and 7. In fact, this is one of the few methods available
to independently verify the foundation of the house of cards that is based
upon the assumption of current leachate drainage of 10 gpm. It is clear
from the data provided in the FFS that the composition of the 10 gpm is
highly inconsistent with the composition of any of the leachate compositions,
but that it is fully consistent with the composition of the water from
storm drains upgradient to the landfills. The chemical data overwhelmingly
indicate that the water that constitutes the bulk of the low-period flow
is not leachate from these landfills, but rather is storm-system drainage
and "that unknown buried drains still exist that historically discharged
to the ravine, or directly to the storm drain pipe..." (FFS, p24.)
In response to the comments regarding the reasonableness of 13 equivalent
inches of precipitation, the authors branch into what can best be considered
a rambling discussion of ways that that can be accounted for without actually
having precipitation infiltration of 13 inches/year. Among the more creative
ideas is one that up to 3 gpm is groundwater flowing laterally into the
waste, in spite of the fact that the landfills are everywhere in the FFS
described as being characterized by outward gradients; i.e., groundwater
flow from the landfill into the surrounding soils at rates of from 0.1
to 3 gpm, not inward into the landfill. (The outward gradient is used to
justify the 10 feet of over-excavation of native soils in the dig-and-haul
The added losses to lateral leachate seeps is dismissed as being only
that due to evaporation and transpiration. The losses to such mechanisms
from these wet, swampy areas (App. I, IDNS) is not a trivial amount and
should have been considered in performing a reasonable water balance for
the site, and not dismissed out of hand.
A check on the infiltration rates can be done by considering the seasonal
head variations, as suggested in the comments. In response, rather than
performing such a calculation, the authors choose merely to repeat data
in the FFS, stating that seasonal head losses in the waste are about 5
feet. If the drainage porosity in the waste is as high as 10%, this seasonal
drainage represents only about 6 inches of percolation, not 13 inches.
17-7 The authors of the responses acknowledge that the groundwater
in LF6MW04S has been impacted by leachate migration in that area.
17-8 The authors indicate that sufficient information exists to
determine whether increases or decreases in gas generation will result
from lowering the leachate levels. Any protection that is to be afforded
must come from the willingness to add to program costs by changing the
sequence of engineering activities in response to unspecified additional,
continuing monitoring during the installation of the cap. An example is
to install the gas flare sooner than presently planned. [It is not clear
what type of flare will destroy vinyl chloride.] The excuse of insufficient
information is particularly hollow since characterization of the solid
waste would provide the types of information (moisture contents, porosities,
drainage behavior, bulk densities, etc.) that would permit the behavior
of the gas generation at these landfills to be more reliably projected
and the public to be protected proactively and not reactively.
17-9 Whether or not the present site characterization is consistent
with a body of regional published data is irrelevant if it does not account
for site specific conditions. And, while there may be a plethora of geologic
data the authors of the responses choose to interpret in a given manner,
the fact is that that data also fits an alternative conceptual model that
demonstrates far less isolation of the landfills.
The authors err when they opine that the erosional process of sapping
does not involve an active groundwater flow system. Such flow systems define
the essence of erosion by sapping as opposed to down-cutting. Such a flow
system does not require continuous lenses of silt, sand or gravel, nor
does the geology of the area support such systems. However, flow Systems
with discontinuous lenses or layers of silt, sand, and gravel that are
connected by fracture systems provide the necessary flow network to develop
the geomorphology of the ravines.
The authors are correct when they point out that were the sapping mechanism
and the interconnected groundwater flow systems to be present and active,
field evidence would include visible seeps and springs (even in the dry
season), benching and terracing. It appears that the authors, however,
have apparently never been down into the ravines, based upon the assertion
that these features are not present. The presence of these features is
apparent to anyone who takes the time to climb down and brush away the
fallen leaves or push aside the hydrophilic vegetation at the seeps. These
readily observed and characteristic features of sapping are why the Illinois
Chicago Circle geology department brings field trips to the north shore
ravines; they are one of the clearest examples available in the Midwest
to demonstrate an erosional process normally associated with canyon-land
development in the arid west.
17-10 The authors of the responses are undoubtedly aware that,
while the rigorous characterization and evaluation of a dual porosity system
would require far more data and different data than has yet been obtained
for this site, the approximation suggested in the comment they are addressing
is accurate to with a few percent and is all that is available from the
data provided in the site documents. They are also unquestionably aware
that, while "average or bulk values for the porous medium as a whole are
most commonly used [as was done in the FFS characterization] in evaluating
groundwater flow rates (Dominico and Schwartz, 1990)," neither Pat Dominico
nor Frank Schwartz is advocating using the average bulk porosity of the
entire system for computation of contaminant travel times.
The three empirical observations called upon by the authors in support
of no secondary porosity system are as applicable a system with secondary
porosity as to one without. Both the first and second erroneously attribute
head distributions solely to variations or contrasts in hydraulic
In fact, both phenomena discussed represent a balance between hydraulic
conductivity and the flux of water through the system. Exactly the same
head/gradient distributions exist even if the hydraulic conductivity is
doubled, provided it is acknowledged that the mass of water moving through
the system is also doubled. The significance to the site and the selected
alternative is that the effectiveness of the cap and leachate drain for
keeping water out of the waste and leachate production minimized are
if there is an unrecognized, contributing network of secondary porosity.
Similarly, the now-reported lack of alteration areolae along fractures
indicates only that oxygen has not historically moved through the fractures,
not that water has and is not Moving through the fractures, As discussed
in the original comment, the relatively high sulfate levels in the monitoring
wells are suggestive of the oxidation of sulfide-rich soils associated
with upland forest wetlands, as likely existed in the area prior to
Such soils would consume any oxygen in the groundwater before it could
affect the tills adjacent to the conduit fractures. Thus, the system described
in the comment not only is consistent with the sulfate concentrations observed
as background at the site, but also is consistent with the introduced
of lack of alteration areolae.
The importance of the secondary porosity system is particularly significant
once the leachate collection has stopped. Without withdrawing leachate
from the landfills, they will resaturate and establish a gradient out of
the landfill rather than into the landfill. Whether or not the secondary
porosity has been yet evaluated with respect to average hydraulic conduc
the travel times will be less through it than through an equivalent
system. Any attenuative properties of the natural system will also be reduced
because of reduced contact and reduced contact time.
17-11, 17-12 The authors of the responses either don't understand the
intent and Significance of the comment and the underlying data, or are
deliberately attempting to cloud the issue. Wherever a vertical gradient
is observed in or under the landfill, the gradient is downward. That is,
the phreatic surface is higher than the head associated with the deeper
interval. One can, therefore, project that the phreatic head at the G-101
location is as high or higher than the G-101 head, just as the LW6MW04S
head is higher than the LW6MW04D head, as seen in Table 1-2. As mapped,
the phreatic head at G-101 is interpreted at an elevation of about 642
feet. As pointed out in the response, the head at G-101, and thus the minimum
phreatic head at that location, is about 653.5 feet, 10 or more feet higher
than mapped. This means that the head gradient toward the manhole at the
phreatic surface is significantly steeper than that mapped on Figure 1-7.
Since the flux into manhole is whatever it is, the steeper gradient means
that the hydraulic conductivity is lower than that implied by the Figure
1-7 interpretation. The manhole may be draining an area around itself but
tat area is less than that displayed on Figure 1-7 and that suggests that
drainage of both gas and liquid from the waste may be more difficult than
inferred from the incorrect mapping.
17-13 The lack of head data for LF6 and the described standing and ponding
water make the concern more than theoretical. Further, the distance of
100 feet from the waste boundary is not necessarily significant if there
are preferred pathways from the waste to the well. If monitoring points
have now been installed as part of the fall program, it may now be possible
to determine at least what the dry-season gradient relationship is between
leachate levels in LF6 and LF6MW01.
17-14 It is disturbing that, even upon review of the slug tests mentioned
in the comment, no alternative interpretation was made. It is clear from
the response of the wells to the slug test that the assumptions for the
Bouwer and Rice interpretation method are not met by the wells. Were the
Bouwer and Rice assumptions appropriate for the wells, the slug test data
would have generated a semi-log plot of residual head (log) vs. time (linear)
that is a straight line. It is the slope of this straight line that provides
the solution in the Bouwer and Rice method. However, the data do not generate
this straight line. Rather, they form curvilinear patterns with a continuously
decreasing slope with time. Since the measured-data trends do not conform
to trends generated by hydrologic systems assumed by the method, the site
hydrologic system does not conform to the system assumed by the interpretation
method. In the case of LF7MW04S, partial data reported in the groundwater
classification document permitted a limited evaluation of the test results
by the Cooper, et al. method (confined system).
It appears the data conform more closely with the Cooper type curves
than to the Bouwer and Rice straight line, with a hydraulic conductivity
at least 5-fold greater and a lower storage coefficient. More important,
however, than the revised hydraulic conductivity is the data-derived
that even in the area of the beach and at shallow levels, the flow system
appears to be a confined, not unconfined, system.
The authors acknowledge that additional hydraulic conductivity determinations
are necessary to characterize the soils adjacent to and beneath the landfills.
It is unfortunate that it is not recognized that this data is needed before
it is appropriate to make the final selection of the alternative for the
17-16 The limitation to the MODFLOW modeling and the down-grading of
its significance in the response is appropriate and welcomed.
It is somewhat surprising that the authors to the responses profess
to not understand the critical nature of the 10 gpm figure with respect
to the consideration of action alternatives, particularly given their emphasis
on, and defense of it. The fundamental significance of the l0-gpm-as-leachate
assumption is that it provides the foundation upon which the interpreted
fluxes through the landfill and surrounding soils are built. 10 gpm is
the maximum (and stretched) infiltration rate that can reasonably be
for the landfills. If the 10 gpm discharge were leachate, there could be
very little left That is escaping through the flanks or sides of the ravine.
Since the gradients are relatively high, that dictates a very low hydraulic
conductivity, without the need for testing. If the hydraulic conductivity
is very low, there will be very little lateral flow into the landfill once
leachate levels are reduced, and leachate levels are kept low with low
leachate pumping and treatment costs. Once active management ceases, the
landfill will be slow to recharge and whatever the final head configuration,
water fluxes and corresponding risks will be minimal.
Correspondingly, if the 10 gpm discharge is not leachate, none of the
other flux terms for the landfills are known. Lateral and downward flow
could be significantly higher with correspondingly higher hydraulic
It would be more difficult to lower leachate levels and require more pumping
and treatment to keep them low. Once management ceases, the drained wastes
will recharge more quickly and outward fluxes will be greater.
The authors are correct in observing that any differences in the flow
system will affect all action alternatives. However, it will not affect
them all equally. A major difference between the capping and the excavation
alternatives is that the former is forever, the waste is always in the
path of groundwater flow toward and through Wells Ravine.
Evan Craig