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Whitman student wins Microsoft contest

Ten-year-old Evan Fujita of Wheeling was a winner in the Microsoft "Imagine the Magic" contest this past summer. Fujita was one of 50 winners who summitted essays and illustrations envisioning and describing what computers would be capable of in the future.

Fujita's essay told about computers that would scan a body for viruses and illness just by placing your hands on the keyboard; the computer also was made of recycled materials.

There were more than 10,000 entrants in the contest from all over the world; Fujita was the only winner from Illinois. He won Microsoft software for himself and his school (Whitman), and received a Microsoft Winner's Certificate from Bill Gates.

Fujita, a fifth-grader, was elected to the student coucil and is a member of the Wheeling Soccer Club.

Picture of Evan Fujita
The Coolest Computer
by Evan Fujita

The coolest computer will detect illness through it's temperature-sensitive keyboard. It will analyze your body's condition, and send a cure through a special periscope port. It will even zap cancer and fix broken bones! This computer will be made from recycled cans, bottles and paper. Recycle...it pays!

Wheeling.com winner of the Chamber of Commerce
"Business of the year" award!

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