Wheeling.Com is not
affiliated with the
Village of Wheeling

Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would
Add to this guestbook we are keeping!
this is a great site. I moved from Wheeling in 1986 and think about all my great friends from Mark Twain Elementary. Wheeling is/was a great town, and I can't wait to come visit and see all the changes. My brother went to WHS and lives in UTAH now. Please email me if you remember me from elementary school!
Jennifer Lowe <jcchurch@ipa.net>
AR, USA - Sat, 3 Mar 2001 16:12:41 -0500
i would like to see your city sometime doc and chichie williams use to come to ontario intertane us but i havent hurd anything in years maybe you can tell me something about them
peter giesbrecht <pdg@3web.net>
aylmer, ont Canada - Sun, 28 Jan 2001 13:00:07 -0500
I am trying to find historical information on Palwaukee airport. Library and web searches have not been very productive. Can anyone help?
Bob Prokop <rprokop@dfcampbell.com>
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 10:01:29 -0500
Cool!I went to Wheeling H.S. 70-74.We lived off Rte.68&Buffalo Grove rd.It was a long time,I saw the school 6/2000,I don't think i'd get lost.Anyone who wants to just say hi,Drop a note
Ed Burgholzer <rocket-rattler@att.net>
Phx, AZ USA - Thu, 28 Dec 2000 22:41:38 -0500
Went to Wheeling High 70-73,Was one of the first students at rec.park,(alt.ed),Had MS.Koenig for creative writing.Graduated Jack London 1970.Had a girl/friend named Pam H.1972,lived behind Henrys, across from K-Mart,if you should read this,remember W.H.S.cafeteria blood oath? we grossed Lisa,remember?If any one out there remembers me or my brother Bill,Drop a note.
Ed Burgholzer <rocket-rattler@att.net>
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:26:18 -0500
Hey Ya'll. My family lived in Wheeling on Mchenery road
in the 50's,60's,and moved to Florida in 74. Went to St.Mary's
school.Anyone remember me or my brothers and sisters, Jim, Kathy
,Mary, Tom, peggy or me, John. Have great memories of Wheeling when
it was smaller. Road my bike everywhere!! Played down by the creek in
the summer, ice skated it in the winter!! Would love to hear from
some of you who stuck around?
John McCall <john.mccall@santafe.cc.fl.us>
Gainesville, FL USA - Thu, 17 Aug 2000 13:06:17 -0400
This is a great web site that makes the Wheeling area look very nice.
Mike <mjske83@hotmail.com>
Buffalo Grove, IL USA - Thu, 25 May 2000 23:07:40 -0400
Good Website. I've lived in Wheeling all my life.
If anyone I knew from Wheeling High School sees this, e-mail me.
Jason Smith <www.drjasonsmith@aol.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Saturday, April 01, 2000 at 05:31:25 (EST)
Found the Wheeling web site and got home sick.
Miss all the friends and have many fond memories.
Doris Kerr <lazydaze@bigsky.net>
Missoula, Mt. USA - Saturday, April 01, 2000 at 05:29:58 (EST)
Lived at 266 George Rd. from 56 - 71. Glad to hear
that Dunhurst is alive and well. I miss the ice
cream trucks from Good Humor with the bell. Loved
the floor plans of the original Dunhurst houses!
Diane Knowles <diane@opa.wwh.utexas.edu>
Austin, TX USA - Tue, 22 Feb 2000 17:50:22 -0500
This is one of the better web sites of local towns that I've seen in a while. My father and mother grew up in this town a while back and now I currently reside here. Keep this web site cookin'!
larry glass <GLASSL98@AOL.COM>
USA - Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:04:54 -0500
Hello, I'm Thomas from Germany and I got a good friend in Wheeling. So I'm glad to find a page with any informations about this town. And on this day I like to wish all the people who live in Wheeling a yery happy year 2000.
Thomas <Sachse20@hotmail.com>
Werdau, Germany - Sat, 1 Jan 2000 12:04:59 -0500
I have Been in the Wheeling area since 1954. Love it! There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Currently we are having our 30 class reunion for Wheeling High School Class of 1969. Please check out our web page at http://www.whs69.com for more info, or times and locations of all events. We are missing almost 300 alumni from the class. There is a LOST CLASSMATE page, please see if you can help locate any of them.
Ric Sisi <ric@suburbanaccents.com>
Arlington Hgts., IL USA - Fri, 24 Sep 1999 09:51:49 (EDT)
Trying to do a little background check to see how many people remeber Koeppen's
Farms on Dundee Road between Wolf Rd and the railroad tracks. Did you stop out
for Sweet Corn or tomatoes when you were younger. If so, I would love to hear
your memories of the Farm. Did you go out with your family to buy pumpkins or
Christmas Trees? My name is Greg Koeppen and I am now the 4th Generation to run
the farm! I am proud of the many years my family helped found Wheeling and look
forward to hearing from anyone with stories about growing up and stopping out at
our farm stand. We are still open on the corner of Dundee Road and Rt. 83 every
summer. The main portion of the farm is now home to the Wheeling Aquatic Center,
Wickes Furniture and the Wheeling Village Hall. Hope to hear from you with your
USA - Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:56:42 (EDT)
Hey all, I went to WHS and graduated in 69. Would love to hear from any old
classmates and catch up on what's been happening the last 30 years.
Margaret (Roche) Neff <Magrati@aol.com>
Reno, NV USA - Monday, August 23, 1999 at 07:43:38 (EDT)
My family moved to Wheeling in 1955 when I was in the 1st grade. I started at
Wheeling School (now Whitman)and attended Carl Sandburg, Mark Twain, Jack
London, and Wheeling High School (Class of '67) the first year each was opened.
I left to join the Navy in 1968. Retired from the Navy in '89 and settled in
Texas. But my heart will always be in Wheeling. I'd like to hear from any of
my old classmates.
Bill Oaks <billnav@home.com>
Garland, TX USA - Monday, August 23, 1999 at 07:42:51 (EDT)
great site, I graduated WHS in 85 and attended Holmes and London junior high
schools as well as Sandburg grade school.Most of my youth was spent at Foxies,
Rock n'records and 7-11.I lived at 41 Redwood trail. remember Burger Chef? How
about Rockies red hots? Let me know. Thanks alot!
Paul DiPego <pdipego@msn.com>
chicago, il USA - Monday, August 23, 1999 at 07:41:39 (EDT)
Nice site. I grew up in Wheeling and attended Carl Sandburg. My family moved
to Missouri when I was in 5th grade (1980). My sisters and I still remember
going to Indian Trails and then getting root beer at Dog n Suds. If any of my
former grade school classmates remember me (it's been a LONG time) would like to
see what you are up to. Thanks!
Tracy Hagemann <thageman@eudoramail.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Monday, July 12, 1999 at 00:00:34 (EDT)
Surfing the Web, & delighted to see our town represented on the web page. It
looks great! Keep up the good work.
Alex Ramirez <Anpjanitor@aol.com>
USA - Wednesday, June 09, 1999 at 08:01:22 (EDT)
Bored on a Thursday evening, doing some homework (since I am a Computer
Engineering student at the University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign), I began
to surf a little and.....low and behold a webpage for my township. I was quite
impressed that we had rights to that domain name. I figured the the Wheeling in
VA might have gotten it. Anyway, just wanted to say "HI!" and ~_^ to Class of
92' @ WHS.
Christian A. Guerra <chris_g1@ieee.org>
Urbana, IL USA - Saturday, May 01, 1999 at 06:23:51 (EDT)
I am impressed, I looked elsewhere for election results and couldn't get as
complete info as I got right here in the wonderful site. Thank you!
Next time I'll know to start all my searches from WHEELING.COM!
Gary <hitg@aol.com>
USA - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 06:38:42 (EDT)
I'm glad I ran into this site. Our family grew up in Wheeling on Fletcher Dr.
for 10 years during the 60's. My brothers worked for Dog'N'Suds and all three
of us attended Carl Sandburg, Jack London, and Wheeling High. Does any one know
where Steve Chambers, Susan Lointfeltner, Mike Muscianti are today? Would love
to hear from the old gang. Can't believe how Wheeling has grown. Thanks for
the site.
Ken Hinckley <kenhink@inconnect.com>
Am.Fork, UT USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 07:33:51 (EST)
Hello,my name is lilli and I'm from Sofia,Bulgaria.I've never been in Wheeling and never been in the USA as well.But I like your country and I met someone who is living in Wheeling.And I hope that everyone living in this town is such wonderful person as he is.Your site is great.
lilli <lilli@wheeling.com>
sofia, bulgaria - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 07:32:19 (EST)
I heard about Wheeling.com from a relative. I think its totally awesome.
Thanks for making webbing so much fun.
Maybe links to free craft sites.
Ruth <Nrok9@aol.com>
USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 07:25:27 (EST)
Hy everyone in Wheeling. I am a 26-years old german production engineering student. I have the opportunity to write
my thesis at Wieland Metals Inc. in Wheeling. Therefore I search a apartement or room including a small kitchen. I am going to start in Jund
and will at least stay in Wheeling till the end of November. Perhaps someone can help me in finding one, as it is a little bit diffcult to look in advertisements thousands miles away.
Thank you very much. I am looking forward to join your wonderful town.
Sincerely, Geiger Elmar.
Geiger Elmar <Geiger@hugo.rz.fh-ulm.de>
Wheeling, IL USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 07:22:40 (EST)
Just checking the History of Wheeling .I am a roll former worker for pro 3 siding and roofing .
Klamath Falls ,Oregon
Donald Talloak Jones <Talloak78@aol.com>
Klamath Falls, OR USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 06:29:55 (EST)
Hi Everyone! Remember good old "Dog N Suds"? How about Mr. Miller? Class of 67', YES!!! Well, how is everyone, would love to hear from you. Some how I got off the class reunion list. Would like to be back on very much. Sure do miss all the good times at school. Wheeling sure has grown alot since I left. It is great to be able to keep in touch somewhat to our younger days. Please e-mail me. Brenda Simpson
Brenda Simpson (Dunat) <mickamouse@netscape.net>
Barron, WI USA - Friday, February 12, 1999 at 06:33:57 (EST)
This site is set up in a nice easy to follow way. I like it that way because It is very self explanitory
and makes it easy to get around in. Keep up the good work !!
Susan <dsauto@cape.com>
Mashpee, MA USA - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 00:12:47 (EST)
This site is set up in a nice easy to follow way. I like it that way because It is very self explanitory
and makes it easy to get around in. Keep up the good work !!
Susan <dsauto@cape.com>
Mashpee, MA USA - Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 06:38:39 (EST)
You not only have a beautiful site to visit, but also very helpful info.
Respectfully yours,
Alphonso C. McAfee, III, M. D.
Alphonso C. McAfee, III, M. D. <DRMCAFEEAC3@prodigy.net>
Shepherd, TX USA - Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 07:11:38 (EST)
I have been looking at the new plaza competition, and would be interested in ideas that the residents of Wheeling have about this project. Thanks, Jana
Jana Bryan <terrigen@sover.net>
Chester, vt USA - Saturday, December 19, 1998 at 22:00:19 (EST)
I sold some Jeeps to our neighbors in Wheeling and thought I would pass on our site to get a custom quote on a new Jeep at a special price.
Eric <pa1jeep@golick.com>
pitcairn, pa USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 07:02:52 (EST)
I have lived in wheeling when my parents first bought a townhouse @ chelsea cove. Now I have bought my first house in Dunhurst, and really love it. I could'nt imagine moving out of Wheeling, it is such a great neighborhood.
jennifer <j.barsno@valspar.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Monday, November 16, 1998 at 06:31:10 (EST)
I am big time into wheeling and the web site is great
Randy Weaver <weaver fam@top.monad.net>
stoddard, NH USA - Wednesday, November 04, 1998 at 23:41:40 (EST)
Wow, who would have thunk it. My home town on the internet. Good Job. Wheeling is still in my thoughts. I lived @ Chelsa Cove when it first was opened. I remember walking from home to WHS everday until I got the Yellow Pinto. Good to see ya Wheeling.
Ron Gaber <rgaber@rediloan.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 08:04:49 (EDT)
Just a special note of thanks to Gary who started this Web site. We are always seeing so many familiar faces at community and school events that surround our children. I once said at a community meeting that evolved around replacing our trees and children's play area at Whitman school, "children are our most important commodity, and we need to start taking better care of them." I continue to believe this and hope that myself and my family can continue to help make Wheeling a great place to live. (Jim Fisher, Director of Business Development/Marketing for Comprehensive Therapeutics, Ltd. Glenview, Il.)
Jim Fisher <HARAJ@MSN.Com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Monday, July 20, 1998 at 07:12:56 (EDT)
Lift-truck needed for Wheeling.com banner repair.
Gary Cohn <mrtollfree@aol.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 07:25:02 (EDT)
My three sisters and I were raised in Wheeling. I attended Wheeling High School and graduated in 1972. My parents still reside in Wheeling, and my three sisters live in neighboring suburbs. My husband and I live in Poulsbo, Washington, just west of Seattle across the Puget Sound.
Having viewed numerous web sites since 1994, I'm thrilled to see my hometown on the Internet. Most especially, you have done an excellent job designing the web site; it's very professional and pleasing to view.
Diane Clouser <dclouser@soundcom.net>
Poulsbo, WA USA - Monday, April 27, 1998 at 07:42:57 (EDT)
I've driven through Wheeling many times. I even met your mayor. This is a great site. My company recently published a book about temporary workers that is a big help to any company that contracts temporary workers.
Erin Weld <weld@gcpress.com>
Madison, WI USA - Thursday, April 16, 1998 at 00:07:05 (EDT)
Wheeling is a great place! As I teenager, I have
some really great childhood memories of Wheeling
that will last a lifetime.
Alaina Trzaskoma <a_trzaskoma@hotmail.com>
Toronto, OH USA - Thursday, April 16, 1998 at 00:05:16 (EDT)
My name is Joe MacDonough. Currently I live in Rochester, New York and
am a respected member of the community. On April 13th I
will be coming to Wheeling to work on a special project to hire candidates for Paychex
which has an office in Wheeling. My assignment will keep me in town for
30-60 days. I would very much like to be able to utilize the community's
services, including the internet, if you deem it appropriate to allow me
access to your community resources. It would be a huge help to me if you
can respond by April 10th to this current address because I will be
transitioning to a new, as yet unknown, email address.
In addition can you recommend to me some of the resources that are
available in the community to someone who will be here on short notice
and with few resources from "home". I'll be looking to find places of
worship, dry cleaning businesses, and other resources to help me cope
with being away from my family for this period. Your assistance in this
matter is greatly appreciated.
Joseph MacDonough
20 Stream View Circle
Fairport, New York 14450
Joe MacDonough <jmacdono@dankaoi.com>
Fairport, NY USA - Wednesday, April 08, 1998 at 01:31:38 (EDT)
Hey, I grew up in Wheeling from 1960-1967 and 1969-1985. I'm now in Lindenhurst, west Gurnee Mills. I know many people have moved into Lake and Mchenry counties from Wheeling to get out in the stix. Went to the old Walt Whitman school, Holmes Jr. High 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and graduated from WHS in 78.
Hope to hear from someone who might visit the guestbook. Take care
Jeff Berman <wb9ydr@mw.sisna.com>
Lindenhurst, IL USA - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 23:01:10 (EST)
348 Fletcher Dr.
Ralph Nickerson <rnickerson1@compuserve.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 10:41:25 (EST)
I was searching through the internet here at EIU and thought I'd look up my hometown of Wheeling. Glad to see that the park district has there own web site. See the staff this summer!
Cristen Conrad
Cristen Conrad <cucdc1@panther1.pen.eiu.edu>
USA - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 23:26:25 (EST)
I baught a house and moved to Wheeling 5 years ago. I grew up in Norhbrook and feel lucky to be able to raise my children in a community like Wheeling. Every year the place gets better and better. I have family living in Northbrook still and they are whish they had our parks and shopping. Keep up the good work!
see ya at the rec center ! (Northbrook does'nt have one)
Pete Allen <pallen@allstate.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 00:24:15 (EST)
I lived at 325 Oak Creek drive for the past year in wheeling, il and I just want to say now that I am back in Canada, I would love to be back in Wheeling. It is a great place to live, except all the Geese.
Craig Brocklehurst <cbrocklehurst@sns-nf.com>
st. john's, nf canada - Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 10:42:37 (EST)
Class of'66 WHS.Remember me, our family had Wheeling Bowling Lanes on Milwaukee Ave next to the Union Hotel.I am the oldest of 7 all WHS grads.I'm a FF/EMT with Wheeling Fire Dept.(my dad was first Fire Inspector),also VP of Malin Const.,Inc.in Wheeling and still live in Wheeling. 2 tours in Vietnam with U.S.Navy Seabees MCB-1,'68-'70.
Don Malin <DonNMCB1@aol.com>
Wheeling, IL USA - Monday, January 05, 1998 at 07:49:55 (EST)
Browse through our guestbook archive for 1996-1997
Wheeling.com winner of the Chamber of Commerce
"Business of the year" award!
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